>Played "justice rains from above" >start new match n start getting getting messages >"ur trash lol", "thanks for the win kid", "enjoy the ban" >confused since my team won
Only other time someone messaged me to talk shit was in l4d a long ass time ago while playing versus n I killed his hunter on the way to the helicopter.
I was playing the snipers only brawl on Illios the other night and as Widowmaker and kept killing this other Widowmaker over and over. Not seeking him out or anything he just happened to always walk in front of my view.
He finally killed me right as my team won the match and he sent me a message saying the same kind of stuff. I'm trash, he wrecked my shit, etc.
i was really hoping for more time in between events. I didn't have nearly enough time to save up coins. I bought that zenyetta nutcracker mott so i only have like 1200 right now. Was hoping to have 6000 saved for the next event :-L
Yeah im just curious how its going to go after the 1 year mark. I know Blizzard supports their games for years and this will have another 2 years, but how much new content will come after the mark.
The player base is strong so i imagine it will be good. I just hear about them wanting to add all these new characters and what not. I wonder how many will actually be added.
Yeah im just curious how its going to go after the 1 year mark. I know Blizzard supports their games for years and this will have another 2 years, but how much new content will come after the mark.
The player base is strong so i imagine it will be good. I just hear about them wanting to add all these new characters and what not. I wonder how many will actually be added.
Dota 2 and LoL both have over 100 heroes. So if they want to compete with that, they have to make heroes
He finally killed me right as my team won the match and he sent me a message saying the same kind of stuff. I'm trash, he wrecked my shit, etc.
Everyone on PC doesnt take anything but comp seriously.
Closest thing we got so far is when Eichenwalde released. New map, 2 lore based Reinhardt skins, and an animated short
The player base is strong so i imagine it will be good. I just hear about them wanting to add all these new characters and what not. I wonder how many will actually be added.