The majority of the "Toxic Overwatch" videos on Youtube are from PS4 )
Its not too frequent in my experience. I have met some pretty toxic fuckheads though.
Did i ever post the story of when that friendly Mei freaked out on me because I stopped running halfway from Hanamura point A spawn because they had all 6 people on it and 4 of my teammates were dead? He yelled at me the rest of the match calling me a pussy. )
Even when i was like "dude, if i run in there solo against 6 people, they just kill me in 2 seconds, i give them ult charge, they still cap the point, and now im dead and cant set up defense on point B"
All he said in response was "......its called being a man FAGGOT" )))
When my teammates all defended me he just quit before the match was over
me and my buddy have taken it easy on the trolling in order to meet good people to play with but anytime someone picks a junkrat or hanzo we just talk about how shitty they are the whole match.
Mercy is only good if you trust your DPS and Tanks to go to work. Otherwise your team has 5 guns and the other team has 6 and you get steamrolled. At least Lucio can do chip damage and get environmental kills.
you guys every check out You might have to reply to their pinned tweet to see your competitive stats, but they fix it right away. Its got percentile stats on the abilities so you can really see what you need to work on.
Did i ever post the story of when that friendly Mei freaked out on me because I stopped running halfway from Hanamura point A spawn because they had all 6 people on it and 4 of my teammates were dead? He yelled at me the rest of the match calling me a pussy.
Even when i was like "dude, if i run in there solo against 6 people, they just kill me in 2 seconds, i give them ult charge, they still cap the point, and now im dead and cant set up defense on point B"
All he said in response was "......its called being a man FAGGOT"
When my teammates all defended me he just quit before the match was over
i was like "dude we need a healer. How do you expect to stay alive?"
"Soldier has enough healing capabilities for the team. Lucio sucks"
me and my buddy have taken it easy on the trolling in order to meet good people to play with but anytime someone picks a junkrat or hanzo we just talk about how shitty they are the whole match.
Zen still the best support doe
I'm just impatient and need to see that heal bar go up fast. Lucio's heals are too slow.
I always like Mercy because at least you know you'll get focused heals.
yeah i didnt mean best as in best player. I meant my favorite to play.
as far as best healers go i think that goes to the lucio/ana until they nerf the nade
just had a dude pick henzo and widowmaker....then we get beasted by a widowmaker