So this pretty much confirms the 4chan leaker is real. He's correctly leaked the moon map as well as Doomfist's abilities and ultimate. Same guy also said we're getting a Mei animated short next :-?
the proceded to hardly play her after. Iv been playing her a little bit but i either prefer sym on defense CP's or on other maps i gotta pick tank or whatever the team needs.
I want to start playing torb some more on defense with choke points. 140 damage on head shots is nuts with no falloff damage. Its not really that hard to get headshots either.
Eh i like torb sometimes but the arc on his shots is terrible. I'd rather just play Soldier or someone. Although when you're facing an uncoordinated team Torb's turret kills it
So this dude messages me after a 6v6 deathmatch game calling me trash because i kept spamming "thanks" next to him when he was Widow and missing all his shots )
keeps making fun of my sr so i check out his profile and he's masters....with 80 hours on mercy check season 4 and he played dps and was low plat
so i call him out on the mercy thing and challenge him to a 1v1 and he blocks me ))))
Yeah i went from like 2500 to 2175 in a week and a 1/2 and havent played since. Still playing some qp on pc but im just waiting on the event. This season has been cancer for almost everyone it feels.
the proceded to hardly play her after. Iv been playing her a little bit but i either prefer sym on defense CP's or on other maps i gotta pick tank or whatever the team needs.
Could just go troll mode and get dat Hanzo golden bow :-?
keeps making fun of my sr so i check out his profile and he's masters....with 80 hours on mercy
so i call him out on the mercy thing and challenge him to a 1v1 and he blocks me