Dude you should have seen Mcree at launch. He was sooooo OP ) Basically fan the hammer did the same amount of damage per bullet as 6 normal shots would. And his shots had more damage back then.
So you could kill every character with a stun then fan the hammer. Even tanks you could stun, hammer, roll, then hammer again and they'd be dead )
thankfully they nerfed him before competitive was even a thing.
Its still gonna be 2 2 2. Rein and Roadhog guaranteed tank team almost every match.
The only reason to pick anything else would be Winston to counter Sym.
You could have picked D.Va to counter Bastion, but between Basion buffs and Dva nerf, thats a pointless pick now.
Nah. Bastion is going to have a high pick rate. He's pretty OP. Pro teams were scrimming on the PTR and after a few matches they banned Bastion )))
They has got to be something to counter bastion whether its Sym or Junkrat or whatever. Plus sym is super strong right now too so i dont see 2/2/2 happening
Its still gonna be 2 2 2. Rein and Roadhog guaranteed tank team almost every match.
The only reason to pick anything else would be Winston to counter Sym.
You could have picked D.Va to counter Bastion, but between Basion buffs and Dva nerf, thats a pointless pick now.
Nah. Bastion is going to have a high pick rate. He's pretty OP. Pro teams were scrimming on the PTR and after a few matches they banned Bastion )))
They has got to be something to counter bastion whether its Sym or Junkrat or whatever. Plus sym is super strong right now too so i dont see 2/2/2 happening
On attack, it will always be 2 2 2. On defense, I can see Sym being switched out for a healer. But still 2 tanks, a healer, sym, 2 other.
The only reason to pick anything else would be Winston to counter Sym.
You could have picked D.Va to counter Bastion, but between Basion buffs and Dva nerf, thats a pointless pick now.
So you could kill every character with a stun then fan the hammer. Even tanks you could stun, hammer, roll, then hammer again and they'd be dead
thankfully they nerfed him before competitive was even a thing.
They has got to be something to counter bastion whether its Sym or Junkrat or whatever. Plus sym is super strong right now too so i dont see 2/2/2 happening
still went 1-2 doe
yeah i fucking hate those fags
Bastion is stronger but hes not that hard to counter actually. I was having decent sucess last night.