Its still gonna be 2 2 2. Rein and Roadhog guaranteed tank team almost every match.
The only reason to pick anything else would be Winston to counter Sym.
You could have picked D.Va to counter Bastion, but between Basion buffs and Dva nerf, thats a pointless pick now.
Nah. Bastion is going to have a high pick rate. He's pretty OP. Pro teams were scrimming on the PTR and after a few matches they banned Bastion )))
They has got to be something to counter bastion whether its Sym or Junkrat or whatever. Plus sym is super strong right now too so i dont see 2/2/2 happening
On attack, it will always be 2 2 2. On defense, I can see Sym being switched out for a healer. But still 2 tanks, a healer, sym, 2 other.
Yeah the alt fire is like Zarya's ultimate it sucks people in. But you have to click the button a 2nd time it to start pulling people in and it holds them there for like a second instead of like 8 for Zarya
"The result is, people need to adjust to playing against Symmetra and Bastion more… and they are more powerful. We cannot just magically make Bastion get picked more so the stats look pretty and not make changes to make him more viable at the same time... In particular, in one match I was playing Bastion and the enemy Tracer was trying to hunt me down. The Tracer player was clearly a better player than I am – a very skilled individual. I relied heavily on my self-heal and the Tracer could not finish me off. But I was able to kill Tracer in recon mode almost through attrition.This part felt wrong to me. But a lot of the feedback I read feels wildly blown out of proportion.”
I think he agrees he's OP, but doesnt think its that big a deal.
Balancing a character because they are never picked is fine. Just listen to PTR feedback before going live woth it. Why have a PTR if youre not gonna change anything on it before it goes live.
What i hate most about Blizzard's balacing is they balanced a bunch of heroes around when you could still pick mutliple heroes per team. Like Winston for example. Teams would run 2-3 winstons and his shields had more health back then so if all 3 dropped on the same spot it was basically a stronger Reinhardt shield. They gave the shield less health so if 3 winstons did it it wouldnt be so bad. But then they implemented 1 hero limit and now 1 winston shield is weak as fuck. They should change it back
Torbjorn on console too. He was only a pain when teams ran 3-6 torbs so they nerfed his turret. But after the hero limit 1 torb was weak as fuck. They did change this back, but it took 3 seasons to do
Reinhardt Charge
junkrat concussive mine
junkrat trap boop
lucio boop
Mei freeze
Ana sleep dart
Mcree stun
roadhog hook
funking op as fuck
he literally said in the developer roundup that he is "a bit too powerful"
I think he agrees he's OP, but doesnt think its that big a deal.
LoL and Dota never had this problem.