Decided my last couple levels before i hit 25 i should play someone else of i can since im decent with 76 aready. That way i can fit more holes in a team with matchmakinng. Working in symmetra on defense so far and shes fun.
Server Browser being implemented soon. Custom games can be searched for and joined by anyone, not just friends. They've added a shit ton of modifiers too. Can turn off heroes, change cooldowns and health on induvidual heroes, can do handicap games, etc.
CTF is also a permanent brawl now and they're adding 9 new maps (3 variations of the 3 control point maps)
Server Browser being implemented soon. Custom games can be searched for and joined by anyone, not just friends. They've added a shit ton of modifiers too. Can turn off heroes, change cooldowns and health on induvidual heroes, can do handicap games, etc.
CTF is also a permanent brawl now and they're adding 9 new maps (3 variations of the 3 control point maps)
This guy on youtube has a good idea. Saying that you should be able to select what youre more likely to play so that when it matches you up it wont match you up with other people that main the same character. I also agree with him that mmr should be reset between seasons.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
My settings are at 1800 dpi, 0 acceleration, 500 hz polling frequency.
In game sensitivity is 45.12