Still have no problem getting hyped for shows thankfully but I'm still young so that may change. I even get excited for minor shows. Like even though P.O.D. is nbd I'm excited. I'm beyond pumped for that Korn show in October. This obv might change as I grow older.
As for new music though, this forum is pretty decent for helping with that. I'll usually look into shit, mainly from Alex or Slap when they post shit I don't know/never heard of, and its usually cool. Never heard of Kyuss before but looked em up when Alex mentioned them and I fucking love em now. Been on a pretty decent YOB kick as well because they really jived with me. I wanna say it was Slap that helped my liking for Kendrick Lamar and Yelawolf as well (could be wrong but he's one of the only ones that mentions current or newish rap/hip-hop).
Naw man. You're cool. You just have bad taste. I have lots of good friends that are the same way, so I don't judge. I'm just stating my feelings about these "artists"
There's always been shit music. Remember when we were in school and everyone loved Ace of Base and Meatloaf? Remember all the Nirvana and Nine Inch Nail hacks like Bush and Filter? Coolio outsold Tupac before Pac died. There was plenty of garbation going on back then too.
I remember all the shit music quite clearly, but there was always gold to be found as well. Metallica, GnR, AiC during the grunge explosion. Coolio might have been selling, but that was the pop side of shit. Appetite for Destruction. The Chronic. Nevermind, where are today's equivalent albums? The new headliners?
Not sure if just old or today's music really is shit.