fuck philip brailsford. how many of you have heard about this one? getting shot while crawling on the ground by a clearly powermad cop who had "YOURE FUCKED" custom etched on his rifle. bloodthirsty piece of shit got away with straight murder.
that fucker should fry for that....I posted it on fb also..Scumbag got off also..He clearly went there with intent to kill and jury wasn't told about what was written on shell casings
They are not all bad but there is a bunch of bad apples in the bunch who get off when they should be shot and thrown off a bridge. The dude in this vid was scared to death and the vid infuriated me like no tomorrow. How the fuck you walk on your knees with your feet crossed with hands up without falling. Scumbag motherfucker.
you're right..on the gun it was etched