Its obviously FF. She wants him to call everyday, and seems to be acting like its a bf/gf relationship. FF is the one backing out.
I read it as he is doing all the regular work, but she's getting outside dick now. It was cool in theory, but it's real life now. She's has sack breath from another dude.
Its obviously FF. She wants him to call everyday, and seems to be acting like its a bf/gf relationship. FF is the one backing out.
I read it as he is doing all the regular work, but she's getting outside dick now. It was cool in theory, but it's real life now. She's has sack breath from another dude.
>he was friend zoned by a chic >somehow unfriend zoned >she busted FFs cherry >ff caught feelings >she demanded open relations >ff only tagged her once > she is fukkin other dudes >ff wants to khs >now he is ghay again
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I'm the one who initially brought up the idea if being open/casual. She had school, I was traveling a lot, I didnt want to he unfair about anything when everything was uncertain. I never intended or expected anything more than casually fooling around/hanging out. That was 8 months ago, about a month ago now I started to realize that wasnt the case anymore. Theres a lot of variables, but I now decided I'm not okay with it continuing like this as any longer, and that I'm not going to wait around for anything to change. She's not exactly the "settle down" type, and idk if I really am either. Regardless, it's a dead end road. I made the mistake of sticking around the first time, I cant do it again now.
We've been together like 4 months and she's all "you're the last person Im ever gonna date. If you break up with me, Im not trying again", "If anyone is going to have your kids some day, its me", "If you stop having sex with me, Im never going to have sex again".
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I read it as he is doing all the regular work, but she's getting outside dick now. It was cool in theory, but it's real life now. She's has sack breath from another dude.
Who knows with the shitty way he tells stories.
Either way, he got cucked.
>he was friend zoned by a chic
>somehow unfriend zoned
>she busted FFs cherry
>ff caught feelings
>she demanded open relations
>ff only tagged her once
> she is fukkin other dudes
>ff wants to khs
>now he is ghay again
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Like chill.