I cant think of anyone I know that ended up with the person they lost It to. But it's really not as big as people make it out to be. And like others said, first time is almost never going to be that great.
Got a new match today. Seems like she wants to hook up - like now.
But Im still trying to talk to that other girl from the other day. And idk if I wanna lose my virginity to a rando if the first girl is still willing to go out, if that turns into something.
Wants to hook up...now!? Fucking jump on that bro before the fire grows cold Dont hesitate Dont look before you leap Just leap Boots and all!
I really dont care about the hook up chick. She asked for my number. I gave it. She never texted. Its whatever.
The other chick, a few days ago I asked her out for today, she said it "yes but it depends on scheduling". Next day I gave her my number. She texted me. And we've been texting a little. Nothing excessive, just a "hi, how's your day", or today we talked about music, because I dont wanna come off as too strong, but I wanna at least say something everyday to show I'm still there. Anyways, just asked her how today was looking for getting together. We'll see what she says.
All the other matches either haven't responded, or just kinda fizzled out. One says she purposely doesnt like to talk every day, so she's kinda on the back burner.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Wants to hook up...now!?
Fucking jump on that bro before the fire grows cold
Dont hesitate
Dont look before you leap
Just leap
Boots and all!
P.s wear a sock
Whatever you wanna call it
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
The other chick, a few days ago I asked her out for today, she said it "yes but it depends on scheduling". Next day I gave her my number. She texted me. And we've been texting a little. Nothing excessive, just a "hi, how's your day", or today we talked about music, because I dont wanna come off as too strong, but I wanna at least say something everyday to show I'm still there. Anyways, just asked her how today was looking for getting together. We'll see what she says.
All the other matches either haven't responded, or just kinda fizzled out. One says she purposely doesnt like to talk every day, so she's kinda on the back burner.
Little steps bro
Even if nothing comes of this, you may have made a new friend
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Also hook up girl just texted
These concert pics helped a lot methinks