5 would be the default setting in a character creation menu. Plain in every way. All stats average. What points do we have to add or take away from here?
4 is like a 5, but it lost a point somewhere. There is at least one thing that most people would claim is not a desirable trait. Short. Fat. A wonky eye. Jacked up teeth. Etc.
6 is just a 5 with at least one generally considered desirable trait. Taller than average. Slightly more muscular. An average girl with nice boobs. Or a cute face and plain body.
3's and 7's are the same but opposite. Average with 2 features generally agreed to be favorable or disfavored. Average chicks with tits and ass. Average guy, tall and muscular. Average chick, short and fat. Average guy, hunch back and lazy eye.
Don't be daft.
5 would be the default setting in a character creation menu. Plain in every way. All stats average. What points do we have to add or take away from here?
4 is like a 5, but it lost a point somewhere. There is at least one thing that most people would claim is not a desirable trait. Short. Fat. A wonky eye. Jacked up teeth. Etc.
6 is just a 5 with at least one generally considered desirable trait.
Taller than average. Slightly more muscular. An average girl with nice boobs. Or a cute face and plain body.
That probably covers most of the people you know.
Youre thinking too much aboot it. Im just average to below average at best
Is k
You're a fucking 6 and you'll like it.