>see 80 new posts >think "well this is gonna be stupid" >wrong.jpeg >MU getting fucked up tonight
Lol, started drinkin too but I gotta get up @ 6. Put Capt.Morgan in our coke at the pizza place and had a pint of this: Can't drink like I did last time with the other managers since we got in trouble. : ))
I'm really drunk but I didn't keep beer cans so I can take a pic I'll still give y'all the easy ky anyway so here goes...I was drinking Miller lit and jag bombs
Dont go out wearinng all black either. I know black be dope but put something on that makes you stand out from the crowd. Chicks aren’t interested in normal dudes.
>at Kumas >Strapping Young Lad's "Detox" kicks in >oh shit this is my fucking song >hot chick in Goatwhore shirts starts rocking out >bout to cuck your boyfriend bitch
Can't drink like I did last time with the other managers since we got in trouble. : ))
For me it was
> see 89 new posts
> thinks "fuck me MC got laid!!!"
> opens thread
> nope:(
get drunk
talk to every girl you find attractive there
stop making excuses for yourself.
>Strapping Young Lad's "Detox" kicks in
>oh shit this is my fucking song
>hot chick in Goatwhore shirts starts rocking out
>bout to cuck your boyfriend bitch