No, not at all. She’s South American (lived here most her life) and has super large legs and arms. She’s very nice though
last summer I was talking to them and her wife says to me “(your ex) is 100% straight” and I said “how do you figure?”, and she says “if she ever breaks up with me or cheats on me it will be with a guy. She’s completely straight”
on one hand I have no clue why she (the other girl) would want to marry someone who she thought was straight... but on the other hand idgaf what screwed up situation they want to get themselves into. I’m out ))))
Sexuality isn’t something you make a choice on, it is genetics and what you were born with. A more accurate statement is “you married a lesbian for 12 years ) “ and yeah, explains why I had such a Ricky marriage with her. Wish she had figured it out before she wasted years on me
Sexuality isn’t something you make a choice on, it is genetics and what you were born with. A more accurate statement is “you married a lesbian for 12 years ) “ and yeah, explains why I had such a Ricky marriage with her. Wish she had figured it out before she wasted years on me
Your pipe laying sucked so much she decided she liked vagoo more. Thats what happened.
Sexuality isn’t something you make a choice on, it is genetics and what you were born with. A more accurate statement is “you married a lesbian for 12 years ) “ and yeah, explains why I had such a Ricky marriage with her. Wish she had figured it out before she wasted years on me
Your pipe laying sucked so much she decided she liked vagoo more. Thats what happened.
If it had, she wouldn’t know. I had more sex with my current gf than I had my entire marriage.
She’s def not gay so no she won’t. If anything I’ll probably break up with her. She’s been annoying me lately and I’m trying to decide if I need to pull the plug or if she can get her shit together
Your ex is now a clam licker!!??????
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
last summer I was talking to them and her wife says to me “(your ex) is 100% straight” and I said “how do you figure?”, and she says “if she ever breaks up with me or cheats on me it will be with a guy. She’s completely straight”
on one hand I have no clue why she (the other girl) would want to marry someone who she thought was straight... but on the other hand idgaf what screwed up situation they want to get themselves into. I’m out
Sexuality isn’t something you make a choice on, it is genetics and what you were born with. A more accurate statement is “you married a lesbian for 12 years
If I had to guess I’d say no but I don’t really know. It’s very common for lesbians to be in sexless marriages. I suspect that’s where they are.
And thinning something bad
But I'm the oldest bastard here so I'm allowed
Now best troll ever would be if MC was actually super slick with women.
I can talk to em, but its impossible for me to seal the deal.
Also who is SON? Alex?