On the real though, being a stepdad ain't all that bad. Usually you get to live off some other dumbasses child support and the mom's only expect you to be like 30% of a dad
Not to mention that means there is always a past relationship worming its way into the present one by default with a constant reminder that some other guy fucked your wife staring at you.
For someone with already low self esteem, thats a no go.
My one coworker found out how much I suck today. I jokingly mentioned at work that I suck with women, and he pried a little. So I told him all my "I fail with women" stories. He still thinks I have a chance, but doesnt think it will be easy for me. I think he's just being nice.
Everyone has a chance. You could go on Craigslist, find the most desperate looking 'woman seeking man' classifieds, and be fuckin some random slut in 5 minutes.
Everyone has a chance. You could go on Craigslist, find the most desperate looking 'woman seeking man' classifieds, and be fuckin some random slut in 5 minutes.
@disagree, I'll bet you any amount of money. I'll even pay for your hooker. Don't expect anything top shelf doe.
if you don't like I get it but these guys and bands like Cap'n Jazz define emo
For someone with already low self esteem, thats a no go.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)