Slap, is your deal with women by choice. Because it seems like you could easily pull just about any college tail you want.
no, I have really low self-esteem, self-confidence, etc.
Just curious, but why? I mean not that i even know you, but the couple videos/pictures I've seen that you posted, you just seem like the outgoing guy that jokes a lot and knows everyone.
rex kinda hit in on the head honestly lol. I'm chill around people I know but I'm really timid around people I don't know and especially around people I'd be interested in because I don't know what the fuck to do. Also it seems like every girl I meet is in a relationship. also body insecurities.
I feel the body insecurities like hell. When I was down to 200 and looking good I felt like the shit. Then depression and other mental shit happened, gained every last pound back and I feel like shit all day every day.
It does kinda seem that between playing an instrument (or 3), being a loyal Lil B supporter, having the Mars Volta fro and being named Sebastian, Slap would have to beat the slits off with a stick
Yeah. I know where slap is coming from. Honestly dude all you can do is force yourself out of your comfort zone. Go do things that make you feel uncomfortable. I'm still not all the way there yet but I try and take steps every day and it has helped me tremendously.
Plus, if you can make a chick laugh you already have her pants unbuttoned. It's just a matter of taking them off.
Idk, it's whatever i suppose. :bz
Oh w8 were you talking about penis insecurities?
Plus, if you can make a chick laugh you already have her pants unbuttoned. It's just a matter of taking them off.