Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering. Took me about 16 months to find a job in my field after graduation, but I found a good one without having to leave Michigan, so I'd say the wait was worth it.
Are you investing in your 401k yet? Do IT! If you dont, it's the worst mistake you will make.
I was half joking but still 401 k are not garaunteed by any means.. If our economy tanks your 401 k tanks.. If our economy tanks gold is now the only thing worth a shit.. Think about it
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Master's (Graduate Degree)
Yeah you're right, it can go down a lot, that happened 4-5 years ago... Two years ago my account went up 30% This year I am up 10%. And when your company is matching your contributions dollar for dollar, it has to go down greater than 50% to lose money. Anyways, I've been contributing 10% of my income to my 401k ever since I graduated from college 15 years ago. I've never been concerned over it going down, because I had a 35-40 year investment plan. My account is currently worth 10x more money than Ive ever put into it. Even on average years, my 401k is earning me more money then I make in a year.
Im no investment expert, but when I graduated from college everyone told me "Invest in your 401k. That's your #1 to do action". Literally that was probably the best advice I received coming out of college. So I tell all new grads that now. You want to be a millionaire? fucking save. Save now, while you arent use to that money.
im in the interdisciplinary department, where you basically combine two minors to make your own major. Im doing music business (music theory/history + marketing/management). its a great path, but looking back on when I started in fall 2009, I regret not going straight into music production. although I did learn a lot from being in film and communications.
but no, the music school itself, for just declaring music as a major, was hard af to get into. you had to essentially compete with a ton of foreigner asians who were basically forced to play the day they left the womb.
(and for some reason had to go to arizona state... )
but no, the music school itself, for just declaring music as a major, was hard af to get into. you had to essentially compete with a ton of foreigner asians who were basically forced to play the day they left the womb.
(and for some reason had to go to arizona state... )
No I'm tired of y'all thinking I gotta prove everything to you. Call me a liar if you wish I don't give a fuck. The proof is in the fact that I got a job. Even at Dunkin you have to prove you're either currently enrolled or have a diploma.
401k can eventually fail .. Gold ain't goin fuckin nowhere
im tellin y'all paper money gonna fail eventually be smart
Im no investment expert, but when I graduated from college everyone told me "Invest in your 401k. That's your #1 to do action". Literally that was probably the best advice I received coming out of college. So I tell all new grads that now. You want to be a millionaire? fucking save. Save now, while you arent use to that money.
graduating in december now, assuming I dont fail real estate, which is a bone dry bitch of a course.
no way Im getting my masters, fuck school. I did my time.
One is still continuing schooling, just in a different form, one is completely stopping any form of schooling.
>Finish up homeschooling.
>Better go announce it to MU.
(and for some reason had to go to arizona state...