Can't wait for the new Fozzy coming in June. Single kinda sucked. Too much electronic meddling and not enough metal. But they haven't disappointed me with an album yet so hopes are high.
I do think Fozzy is underrated as all hell. They get bad rep because of Jericho and people who dislike him because of his wrestling career. But if you take the time to listen to one of their albums (preferably Chasing the Grail or Sin and Bones), they are great musicians. Jericho is a damn good vocalist and Rich Ward is a stellar guitarist. They aren't the most revolutionary band to ever grace the earth, but they have a solid catalog of powerful metal/rock tunes and they are a really determined band. I didn't used to be too big of a fan. Then I saw them live for the first time and they put on an energetic amazing show that puts a couple bands who have been playing a decade longer than Fozzy to shame. Give em a chance.
The last two albums are better than anything they've done since Wonder What's Next.
Can't wait for the new Fozzy coming in June. Single kinda sucked. Too much electronic meddling and not enough metal. But they haven't disappointed me with an album yet so hopes are high.
holy shit i'm done
I do think Fozzy is underrated as all hell. They get bad rep because of Jericho and people who dislike him because of his wrestling career. But if you take the time to listen to one of their albums (preferably Chasing the Grail or Sin and Bones), they are great musicians. Jericho is a damn good vocalist and Rich Ward is a stellar guitarist. They aren't the most revolutionary band to ever grace the earth, but they have a solid catalog of powerful metal/rock tunes and they are a really determined band. I didn't used to be too big of a fan. Then I saw them live for the first time and they put on an energetic amazing show that puts a couple bands who have been playing a decade longer than Fozzy to shame. Give em a chance.
Dope still exists?
Xenocide said:
They don't have a bad album but I think they've shown some growth as a band past Sci-Fi as opposed to chugging out the same album every few years.
Are you kidding.......the fact that he was a wrestler is the only reason people even give half of a shit about Fozzy.
end your life
New Alcest is trash, listen to the new Lantlos
and no love for Exmortus? I think it's decent...
ky jay, Lantlos >>>>>>
I haven't even listened to Lantlos yet lol.
It's loads better. I've been avid fans of both groups since 2010, but Lantlos has become far superior
I like the new Alcest for what it is. It's not going to make my list but I don't hate it. I've been slacking on new stuff.