Was the show outside? If it wasn't it doesn't fuckin count. Go camping and lay off the electronic devices for a while. Maybe it'll calm your angry, bitter ass down
I really don't understand why you are the way you are
Was the show outside? If it wasn't it doesn't fuckin count. Go camping and lay off the electronic devices for a while. Maybe it'll calm your angry, bitter ass down
I really don't understand why you are the way you are
He had to get out of whatever he used for transport and walk into the venue then walk back out. He was outside for like 2 mins or more. It counts.
I charge my phone at the bar to talk to a specific person, not to waste my time on the net. It doesn't matter when I went camping last, you need it like a dehydrated man in the desert needs water
I went when we had our draft, when me and Devin went to that random show, and for like a week in Colorado. Please tell me I should go camping again mr grylls
I really don't understand why you are the way you are
>tells me to get out
>both sitting at home