Would have been prolly more stoked a couple years ago about this tour but I'd still like to see Amon Amarth and am always down to see Skeletonwitch so will be in attendance.
paying mad loot to see shitty bands for slutty whores to prolly not even get naked < walking down the street to show n smel and watch bitches straight fuck eachother for dollar bills
SW told me they had a looooong headlining tour in Aug/Sep when i talked to them :-?
amon amarth at woolys \m/
Sabaton is so fucking lame. Plus the Santa Cruz show is $25 and I've seen Amon Amarth 3 times. Gonna have to pass.
Would have been prolly more stoked a couple years ago about this tour but I'd still like to see Amon Amarth and am always down to see Skeletonwitch so will be in attendance.
Oh and less then 0 about Sabaton...
Skeletonwitch is enough reason for me to go \m/
its an evening with
sleep just announced a boston date
So yea I'm seeing sleep finally
Bringing duffel bags of weed
I guess a Chicago show was announced as well. Hoping for a tour with a Michigan show though that is prolly doubtful.
I don't think a tour could be more garbage than Uproar
lmao if we get a date I'm goin wish it had staind
Not one band I like on there.
Seether are the only band i'd love to see again. plus th suicide girls are gonna be there.
paying mad loot to see shitty bands for slutty whores to prolly not even get naked < walking down the street to show n smel and watch bitches straight fuck eachother for dollar bills
The suicide girls suck for involving themselves in this shitfest
Uproar is pretty fucking bad, holy shit.
Skillet doe \m/
skillet was cool at lazerfest. pretty much just chilled doe and don't really remember them, fuck i was smashed.