I ain't even butthurt cuz I know I'm right like I said it doesn't affect me.. Jobe knows more about weed than me ape knows more about snowboarding Leah knows more about horror movies Erik knows more about fitness and bodybuilding than me ed knows more about being a faggot than me..I know more about music.. It's just that simple
Dude, just about everybody knows more things than you do. They write that shit in books, try picking one up sometime. Music is not an exception. I've been obsessed with music waaaay longer than you son. What the fuck do you think makes you so fucking special?
Well you are older so nothing I can do about time but I've been obsessed with music as you could be.. At five when other kids were listening to kids bop or some shit I already had memorized the entire Beatles discography.. Then I went on to Dylan.. When other kids were going to backstreet boys concerts and limp bizkit I was in my basement making live Dylan mix tapes.. In high school in my days off I was digging out my dads old punk and new wave vinyls in the attic and going to old ass vintage stores trying to find used record players.. All that frank Sinatra and Johnny cash or whatever other people get so much praise for I was listening to by 14 years old.. At school I would take all music electives and I would practically teach the class I'd know more than all the teachers.. Anytime we could choose our own topic in school for a writing assignment I would always choose some sort of music history. It's cool to see people on here who seem to have the same music appreciation as I do for it's extremely rare to see irl.. But there is still a difference between me and most people here when it comes to music.. I respect someone like slaps knowledge but its a different kind of listening.. Music is so much more than just a hobby for me.. Now I can't comment in your whole life but just based on what I've encountered in my life my gut tells me I know more shit than you.. May or may not be true but that's how I'm gonna perceive it until I see otherwise.. The only other person I ve encountered that really knows his shit is satan, even if we don't agree on everything taste wise I can least say he knows his shit and most likely more than me.. I want to get to that level someday but like I said in a little younger.. Ill get there
I think Slap has the most musical knowledge and varied taste here.
Thanks, I appreciate it but I wouldn't say that's true. As far as non metal music goes, I've really only scraped the surface on thing like shoegaze, hip-hop, jazz or whatever else Im getting into. That's partially because I only really pay attention to what's been going in the last couple of decades, if that. Id definitely agree my taste is eclectic but I'm not nearly as knowledgeable in music outside of metal as Satan or even Ed and Erik when it comes to EDM and hip-hop. And since I don't pay attention to any music from before the 80's really besides jazz and metal, Nola immediately has music knowledge than me. I suck at old music, mainly because I was raised in a household that was always listening to new music. Like when I was 4, my dad wasn't showing me his Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin collection, we were jamming to post-grunge stuff like Live and Bush. My dad loves those bands, but was always listening to new stuff so I've become the same way. I rarely make an effort to explore older music unless I'm either really blown away by an older artist, like Dead Kennedys,, or I'm jus around a lot of people who only bump classic stuff, which doesn't happen often.
And Nola, considering I want to make a living in music, I'd say it's more than a hobby for me too.
The Beatles lol. I was raised on real Rock and Roll. My dad.... Foghat, Mountain, Cream, Skynard, etc. Hooked on Black Sabbath 8 tracks by age 5. My Grandma loved Elvis, Ike Turner, and all the earliest rock (but not that Jerry Lewis boy, he can Papua a piana, but he married his cousin, and that ain't right) My uncle had thousands of cassettes,(6 double sided cassette suitcases, plus a couple of storage trunks full) and I read the liner notes to all of them multiple times. checked them out like a library, 5 at a time. My dads best friend drove a semi hauling staging equipment for bands on tour, so we got free tickets to just about any show we wanted to go to. My moms best friend worked at a magazine distribution center and could keep any damaged mag, so I got probably every comic, rock, metal, and wrestling magazine printed in the 80's (all with the cover cut off lol) so again, you don't know half the shit you think you do.
The Beatles lol. I was raised on real Rock and Roll. My dad.... Foghat, Mountain, Cream, Skynard, etc. Hooked on Black Sabbath 8 tracks by age 5. My Grandma loved Elvis, Ike Turner, and all the earliest rock (but not that Jerry Lewis boy, he can Papua a piana, but he married his cousin, and that ain't right) My uncle had thousands of cassettes,(6 double sided cassette suitcases, plus a couple of storage trunks full) and I read the liner notes to all of them multiple times. checked them out like a library, 5 at a time. My dads best friend drove a semi hauling staging equipment for bands on tour, so we got free tickets to just about any show we wanted to go to. My moms best friend worked at a magazine distribution center and could keep any damaged mag, so I got probably every comic, rock, metal, and wrestling magazine printed in the 80's (all with the cover cut off lol) so again, you don't know half the shit you think you do.
Lol yes I do, I grew up on all those bands too.. It's skynyrd btw.. Do you know why they are named lynyrd skynyrd? I do, have for about fifteen years. Hell i bet three quarters of the people on this site didnt even know that they almost all died in a plane crash..Have all them bands on vinyl listened to them constantly.. I know all about early rock n roll as well.. I worked in an early 60 s themed place for six years so I know all that shit.. Foghat btw is mediocre as shit my parents at least had the sense to play better rock like warren zevon and bob Seger instead.. I'd still take foghat or maiden or priest tho lol
And Nola, considering I want to make a living in music, I'd say it's more than a hobby for me too.
Fuckin' horrible. One if the worst songs I've ever heard. Derivative. Lifeless. Tryhard. I can barely even call it music. More like commerce
The fact that this kid is making millions makes me sad.