Intronaut Most of what ed listens to Most of what erik listens to Half of what nola listens to All of what arlo listens to Fuck the rest this will take too long
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Naw no I'm not, I've been on here long enough to get a decent grasp on what people here listen to.. Now I have to say a lot of people here know there metal.. Def more than the average metal head but when it comes to music as a whole most don't really have a clue.. Still the average American listens to horrible music and I would take the advice if most people here than people I know irl but aside from like satan and maybe a little bit jake or Alex.. You people are pretty far behind.. Hell half if you have never even listened to a Lou Reed album or a kinks album in your life but your bumping the new rise against or some lame shit... I mean it speaks for itself..
Could You sound any more like a hipster? Seriously.
Come off your high horse. Everyone likes different things for different reasons. I don't talk about a good amount of what I listen to on here because I know people don't care so the only stuff I talk about is related to whatever the topic is here. Im sure you don't care but I spend most of my time driving listening to the symphony and pops stations on sirius. Maybe you already knew that know seeing as you know everyones tastes.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
So the fact that you drive around listening to pop stations is supposed to help your case? Lolk dude it's got nothing to do with a high horse it's just fact.. The fact that you listen to shitty pop radio when you've prob never even heard jimi Hendrix are you experienced? In full even once in your life is pretty sad.. Don't get mad your not on my level.. Most people are better than me in most things but I know more about music sorry if you can't handle it.. Either way it doesn't affect my opinion
Its funny I made my original post as a joke to get erik and ed going didn't realize nola would get all butthurt climb up on his horse and ride off into the sunset with his nose in the air.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I ain't even butthurt cuz I know I'm right like I said it doesn't affect me.. Jobe knows more about weed than me ape knows more about snowboarding Leah knows more about horror movies Erik knows more about fitness and bodybuilding than me ed knows more about being a faggot than me..I know more about music.. It's just that simple
Most of what ed listens to
Most of what erik listens to
Half of what nola listens to
All of what arlo listens to
Fuck the rest this will take too long
Come off your high horse. Everyone likes different things for different reasons. I don't talk about a good amount of what I listen to on here because I know people don't care so the only stuff I talk about is related to whatever the topic is here. Im sure you don't care but I spend most of my time driving listening to the symphony and pops stations on sirius. Maybe you already knew that know seeing as you know everyones tastes.
Thought you were all cultured and shit you should know what pops is.
Awful electronic noise grind
Not only that just because you may know more about music doesn't mean your tastes are superior to anyone.
Climb on down buddy.