No question he was wrapped around her finger...he couldn't smoke or drink when they were together...and she didn't even let him hit the gushy gushy wet wet raw dog )
I'm kind of sad about opportunities missed. I remember Alex messaging me about shit going down and I just rolled over said fuck it and went to sleep. Could have trolled the fuck out of the situation.
Also im still flabbergasted that two people over 18 included their parents in this shit.
Whoever bumped this you helped occupy a slow morning. Thank you.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
10/10 thread
Did this stale like 32 pages in
Also im still flabbergasted that two people over 18 included their parents in this shit.
Whoever bumped this you helped occupy a slow morning. Thank you.