Really? Fucking really? So after all this, it's suddenly a fake relationship to you too now? Sure didn't seem to think that when you were making all these wedding plans on here. )
In regards to the abusive statements, if Bianca is going around the tristate area and online telling people I abused her, that's straight messed up.
For what it is worth, Bianca never told me you abused her, or gave me PM'd stories of abuse. Not really sure where the abuse talk has come from, other than you not accepting the breakup scared her. That is about the best I could make out of the whole thing.
Go back and reread what I said. I wasn't saying she didn't cry abuse, I was only telling you that she hadn't been saying that to me personally. There is literally 50+ pages of this BS. You're right, I dont care to read it all. As I said "Not really sure where it came from"....
I find it odd that this was the post you chose to respond too. Im sure I had much worse where I called you out. I spent about 2 seconds writing that post.
Jesus Christ SHUT THE FUCK UP Wake. Literally every single post is a fucking paragraph and I can guarantee the rat is the only one reading 'em because she knows you're sucking on both tits at the same damn time in every post.
You know how Erik likes to change who he is every other month? I hope his next big thing is books. I swear I've never seen someone who has such an adverse reaction to reading and education as him. If any of you invite him over to your pad, hide your money in your books... safest place in your house.
Go back and reread what I said. I wasn't saying she didn't cry abuse, I was only telling you that she hadn't been saying that to me personally. There is literally 50+ pages of this BS. You're right, I dont care to read it all. As I said "Not really sure where it came from"....
I find it odd that this was the post you chose to respond too. Im sure I had much worse where I called you out. I spent about 2 seconds writing that post.
I don't read all your posts. I skim cause it's usually the same bullshit, but just in different words. You said the abuse is BS and she never said it, i post her saying it, you make an excuse and move on to crying about something else. You're shot out dude...
That's cause she picks and choses what to say to specific people to try to get her on their side and you're right up in the trap.
Alex, I'm not on her side, nor am I on your side. In general I like you more than I like her. On this single issue, I side with her. There isnt anything more to it then that. Ideally I think this drama should just die, because at this point in time are you not at the point where you dont give a fuck about her? If so, great you agree. Things didnt work out, lets just let shit go and move on.
Really? Fucking really? So after all this, it's suddenly a fake relationship to you too now? Sure didn't seem to think that when you were making all these wedding plans on here.
I find it odd that this was the post you chose to respond too. Im sure I had much worse where I called you out. I spent about 2 seconds writing that post.