Add avenged sevenfold to your list. They got big through warped tour. They played three staight years then ozzfest took them on after they got radio play and put them in a three slot on main stage.
I predicted korn and avenged a while back. I would go. Bring on the hate.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
They're always gonna have 2/3 meh main stage bands with 1 awesome band, but I'm hoping they can revive the side stages a little more, 2009-2011 side stages were awesome.
I'm not on my toes to hear about the line-up like I used to be a few years ago, but I'm not gonna immediately dismiss the fest. Of the 6 years it's been running, I've gone 4 times, and even with my taste straying further from the target audience they shoot for, I still manage to have a good time.
zombie is really not that great but at least his set is good to watch fucked up. sevenfold is a huge buzzkill the whole way through. id rather see a crazy colorful stage show with the same beat than hear some group of 30 year old guys do some entry level metal high school garbage for an hour and a half. maybe, MAYBE if guitar hero never came out I wouldnt be as annoyed by half the fans.
but then again, they wouldnt even be on main stage had guitar hero never come out.
I predicted korn and avenged a while back. I would go. Bring on the hate.
Its weird to think back a couple years ago when I was so excited to find out about the lineup lol
As long as its not a Manson/korn/55dp
Main stage lol
But recent dubstep korn?
Nawwww fuck that
neeeow yo naaghtmare comes to laaaaaaafeeeeee
"I wear a black fedora so women know Im a sensitive guy but I also know how to rock! \m/ "
but then again, they wouldnt even be on main stage had guitar hero never come out.
Slipknot > Rob Zombie > Disturbed > Korn > A7X > Marilyn Manson > 5FDP
I fucking hate the type of fans that refuse to admit their favorite band's new album is shitty.