I dont have a picture of my first bike, however I found a picture of one online that looks exactly like it. I started out learning on a 1986 Honda Rebel 450. The 450 was an unusual bike as Honda only made the 450cc version of it in 86 and 87. It was a sweet bike to learn on, and had the added benefit of getting me 65 mpg when gas was nearing 5 bucks a gallon a few years ago.
Santana - and others who might be wanting to learn how to ride. I'd highly recommend looking into getting a 400-500cc bike to start out on. Don't spend more than 2 grand on it, and don't worry about it's looks as long as it functions. You dont want to get a nice new bike to learn on because you will be devastated the first time you drop it. I've never dropped my Kawasaki, but I dropped my Honda Rebel 2-3 times. How and when I went to sell my Honda Rebel? I sold it for the exact price I paid for it, 2 years after I bought it, having put 12k miles on the bike. Older bikes like that hold their value.
any reason for suggesting a 450 or 500 over a 250? I'm guessing cause they have a little more power than a 250 without throwing you off it but there may be other reasons I'm not thinking of, what with being new to this and all
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Yeah... a 400-500cc bike has enough power/weight that you can take it safely on a freeway. A 200cc bike is just too light you will get pushed around at high speeds, and you dont really have the power you might need to escape bad situations you might find yourself in. A 400-500cc bike isnt crazy powerful that you will get yourself into trouble like you might a 900cc+ bike.
Also- a 400-500 cruiser is a great bike to take the DMV test on. Easy to maneuver and not too heavy.
ohhh true. I never thought about that. I think I'm definitely leaning towards a 500 now. Plus once I get comfortable I can use some of that power until I'm ready for a more powerful bike.
man I looked at some of the gear prices and I didn't expect some of that stuff to be so high. Reasonable for what gear will do for you though
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
you can get gear for a reasonable price. I bought my jacket and leggings and gloves online for like 100 for everything. I paid maybe 80 dollars for my Helmet. I'd recommended buying the helmet locally because you want something that is going to feel alright on your head. But buy the other stuff online. I can send you a good link to a place when they spam me again. I bought my gear from them so they email me every month or so, which I always delete cause I dont need more gear.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Nope. You should just always assume that no one can see you.... Ride like everyone might be trying to kill you. It's the best tip for staying alive Sure you can get some little gizmo that will make your lights flicker, or you can wear reflective vests- both are good ideas. But The best plan is to just assume everyone is trying to kill you and ride accordingly.
Also. I dont recommend ever riding in the rain. or the snow. I've been riding for roughly 5 years now and I still feel like those sort of conditions are going to be the death of me. If there is a 50% chance of rain, I dont ride. I take the odds with 10% chance.
Did you ever hear my story about dumping my first bike?
You're a fucking pussy. my friend lost his arm and leg over this past summer because some little fuck like you was texting while he was driving and hit him
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
so I learned on my 86 Rebel 450 by myself. Since it was a old used bike, it didnt come with an instruction manual, nor was I really all that skilled at it. So one day I rode it to work, I park and put the wheel lock on. What I didnt know at the time was that if you turn the key to the wheel lock and then move it one past it locks the wheel and puts on the rear lights as well. Since it was an 86 and daytime, it really wasnt obvious that my rear lights were on.
So after work I head out to ride home and my bike doesnt start up because I had left the lights on all day. My bad. No biggie I thought... I'll just put it in second gear, get a nice little run going, and then pop the clutch, do a sort of lone ranger mount of the bike..... What could go wrong with that?
So I start running with it, and I let go of the clutch and it starts on up, and so I start to do my lone ranger mount... as I am mid air, due to the angle I was trying to jump on, my hand cranks down on the gas, which causes the bike to pop up on it's back wheel and turn sidewise and then drag me along the pavement for 10 feet until I gain enough composure to let go of it. Some girl sees the whole thing happen and comes running up "OH MY GOD!!! ARE YOU OKAY!! HOLY SHIT YOU ARE BLEEDING" and I respond to her "Honestly Im more concerned about my Bike and my ego. I wish you hadnt seen that". )
Ended up leaving about 12 inches of skin on the pavement. ruining my favorite pair of jeans (I wasnt wearing motorcycle pants). But the bike was okay other than a few new scratches. I was thankful I started with a used bike.
4 days later I went to see At the Gates reunion tour.
damn! 12 inches of skin...I've always been nervous about tearing skin during a slide. Sounds like you recovered pretty well from that! and good thing the bike wasn't terribly damaged
damn! 12 inches of skin...I've always been nervous about tearing skin during a slide. Sounds like you recovered pretty well from that! and good thing the bike wasn't terribly damaged
It wasnt that bad. I mean it hurt. I was limping around for a couple weeks, but wounds heal.
There was another time it was raining, and I was turning across two lanes of oncoming traffic. I didnt think I was going that fast but when I went to make the turn my bike hit the paint stripes separating lanes of traffic and instead of turning my bike started sliding straight towards the curb and a row of trees behind it and dumping sidewise. Luckily I was able to stomp my foot on the ground to push the bike upright and straighten out the handlebar and break before I hit the curb. Mentally though, that event fucked me up big time. After that I was afraid to corner even on dry pavement. A week later due to my being a pussy on corners I almost wrecked my bike big time... Pulled off the road, took a few deep breathes and realized that I either need to stop riding today, or to put the rain incident behind me. I was able to put it behind me.... but really, you need to be prepared for anything on a bike.
World class comeback. Any real motorcycle rider would expect every driver to be texting and be prepared for that. If I ever have a large wreck,.... it better be by an animal like a deer in the road,... than someone driving a car.
Yeah..like you have time to prepare for some jackass to just come across the lane and hit you.
No you are getting at the whole ACl LCL thing which I stated LOL at. That could of been prevented if his coach had half a brain..Someone coming across a line at 70 mph 5 feet in front of you is a totally different thing.
Also- a 400-500 cruiser is a great bike to take the DMV test on. Easy to maneuver and not too heavy.
man I looked at some of the gear prices and I didn't expect some of that stuff to be so high. Reasonable for what gear will do for you though
Any tips for making yourself easily seen on the road during night and day?
Also. I dont recommend ever riding in the rain. or the snow. I've been riding for roughly 5 years now and I still feel like those sort of conditions are going to be the death of me. If there is a 50% chance of rain, I dont ride. I take the odds with 10% chance.
Did you ever hear my story about dumping my first bike?
Don't believe I've heard that story
So after work I head out to ride home and my bike doesnt start up because I had left the lights on all day. My bad. No biggie I thought... I'll just put it in second gear, get a nice little run going, and then pop the clutch, do a sort of lone ranger mount of the bike..... What could go wrong with that?
So I start running with it, and I let go of the clutch and it starts on up, and so I start to do my lone ranger mount... as I am mid air, due to the angle I was trying to jump on, my hand cranks down on the gas, which causes the bike to pop up on it's back wheel and turn sidewise and then drag me along the pavement for 10 feet until I gain enough composure to let go of it. Some girl sees the whole thing happen and comes running up "OH MY GOD!!! ARE YOU OKAY!! HOLY SHIT YOU ARE BLEEDING" and I respond to her "Honestly Im more concerned about my Bike and my ego. I wish you hadnt seen that".
Ended up leaving about 12 inches of skin on the pavement. ruining my favorite pair of jeans (I wasnt wearing motorcycle pants). But the bike was okay other than a few new scratches. I was thankful I started with a used bike.
4 days later I went to see At the Gates reunion tour.
There was another time it was raining, and I was turning across two lanes of oncoming traffic. I didnt think I was going that fast but when I went to make the turn my bike hit the paint stripes separating lanes of traffic and instead of turning my bike started sliding straight towards the curb and a row of trees behind it and dumping sidewise. Luckily I was able to stomp my foot on the ground to push the bike upright and straighten out the handlebar and break before I hit the curb. Mentally though, that event fucked me up big time. After that I was afraid to corner even on dry pavement. A week later due to my being a pussy on corners I almost wrecked my bike big time... Pulled off the road, took a few deep breathes and realized that I either need to stop riding today, or to put the rain incident behind me. I was able to put it behind me.... but really, you need to be prepared for anything on a bike.