one friend sent me Project Zomboid on Steam another friend sent me The Legend of Heroes: Trails In The Sky on Steam
Brother got me season 2 of Mawaru Penguindrum on Bluray, and told me he ordered season 1 also, but its backordered. Parents got me Guardians of the Galaxy on Bluray, and told me they'll pay for the Wii U I bought.
gift cards for chipotle, shell, zoyo (frozen yogurt), and itunes desk fan vanilla candle shoes gum 3-pack twix electric razor that will be exchanged for an external CD drive since I just found my old razor puma motherfucking socks some cash
South Park: The Stick Of Truth on 360 Green Lantern watch Green Lantern flag Deadpool blanket Deadpool pajama pants Star Lord bobblehead Deadman figure Zelda lanyard shit ton of candy
70 bucks
Two cases of 2
probably get some more little stuff tomorrow from my parents.
another friend sent me The Legend of Heroes: Trails In The Sky on Steam
>spoiled rich kid from suburbs
>get more cliche
-Cash money
-Jeter jersey
-A couple gift cards
-Jets t-shirt :-|
blanket candles
portable solar Bluetooth music player
Rotting Out - The Wrong Way cd
The Evil Dead ultimate edition dvd
Camera bag + lens cleaner.
gift cards for pizza hut, taco bell and chick fil-a
Parents got me Guardians of the Galaxy on Bluray, and told me they'll pay for the Wii U I bought.
pj pants
Rain jacket
a butterbell
a cookbook
maybe Santa will bring me a Ampeg SVT and 8x10 combo next year
seasons 1-6 of SOA
grandpa and grandma gave me 300 bucks.
desk fan
vanilla candle
gum 3-pack
electric razor that will be exchanged for an external CD drive since I just found my old razor
puma motherfucking socks
some cash
way more than I anticipated getting
Green Lantern watch
Green Lantern flag
Deadpool blanket
Deadpool pajama pants
Star Lord bobblehead
Deadman figure
Zelda lanyard
shit ton of candy