I know they originally recorded most of WM with John Bush, but then he quit/was kicked out and they put the album on hold, but even so, every other member of Anthrax will tell you things got much easier once Joey was back in the band, and when they re recorded it with him they said it made the album better.
But regardless, figured it'd make more sense to say during Antisocial or TNT, but whatevs.
I like that they followed up March Of The SOD with the gayest shit ever
WM is better than every Anthrax album except ATL
So WM is better than Fistful, Spreading, State, Persistence, and Sound? Right.
Fistful Of Metal is a very close 3rd though with Spreading after, the rest aren't even close.
Yeah lets take these songs we wrote for John Bush or a John Bush impersonator and just add some OLD SCHOOL melodies
I'll take Belladonna any day over Bush, and fuck who was the other guy?
Neil Turbin, nvm.