When trying to figure out what you want to do in college, if you think you might be interested in a certain field, look into what classes are needed to get a minor in that field. Take thos efirst, that way you get an idea if you like the subject. Then if you decide it's not for you, at least you can get the minor added to your degree, and not have wasted those credits.
Not many local small colleges offer photography classes. I can't be going very far either so I'll have to see if any nearby have any when I get back to sad, uneducated WV. And the reason I said that about the AI is because when I went to check them out years ago they made it clear 99% of credits from other small colleges won't transfer. They did have a list of some where the credits would transfer over but I don't think any of them were close to me
That's essentially what I did. It put me a year behind schedule because of the multiple major changes I did, but I would fill my gaps with communications courses. Now I have a Com minor in the works
That number is based on those with a college degree, so unless you graduated college, you're actually bringing that number down.
There's not a whole lot of Colleges to go to in WV. The biggest ones are WVU and Marshall. A large number of people I know attended colleges in OH or PA. There are an ok amount that I know have atteneded WVU, Bethany, or West Liberty. When I decide where I want to go and do it will be an out of state college most likely in PA
As a proud Chicagoan I also like to think I can admit our shortcomings. I believe that the state of Illinois should enact a self imposed indefinite freeze and suspension on any and all rights to vote in elections for all Ilinois residents. I believe we've earned it. X_X
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Gary Johnson (Libertarian)
im a college graduate. sometimes I think about dropping out of Grad school because it sure it draining working 60 hours a week, school, and family. Im more then half way done though so ill probably stick it out.