Not only that but that flag is mangled. I think if my towns cops where called the only think I think they would have done was ask for them to fix it. The flag is no longer like that btw
shes the only women with a chance to break the glass ceiling and will be the most experienced person available to take the job. 8 years 1st lady, 8 years as a senator and 4 years as Secretary of State, No one else has that kinda resume. if Obama succeeds in the next 4 years and she runs. its almost guaranteed she'd win. i'd almost feel bad for her opponent in the foreign policy debate.
Beautiful. Not only did West Virginia, let alone my home town, fly an upside down American flag because workers at McDonalds are too retarded to not listen to their bosses orders. We're ranked the number one least educated state. Makes it hard to be proud to be from WV
Beautiful. Not only did West Virginia, let alone my home town, fly an upside down American flag because workers at McDonalds are too retarded to not listen to their bosses orders. We're ranked the number one least educated state. Makes it hard to be proud to be from WV
Yes. I was one of the ones who stayed in HS and graduated. None of that GED stuff. I also plan on going to college. For what though is what I'm still searching inside myself for. I'll figure it out eventually
You can still knock out all the gen ed credits in the meanwhile. You would also probably qualify for a people grant and get it all paid for, plus possibly some left over money in your pocket.
Yeah. I'm probably going to go to a local college for a few years. If I find I want to go for Photography and go to the AI at least I've dipped my feet in some type of college life
Stock market takes a dive the next day..