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Me_Me_ Posts: 13,701 salt miner
edited October 2012 in Debate & Discourse
Something I have never seen discussed on this board. My advice to everyone here who I assume is a little younger than me. TURN IT THE FUCK DOWN! I loved it loud also. Now I have tinnitus in my right ear. THERE IS NO CURE! I though I was just jamming all those year not knowing that I was damaging my ears. Now I live with a ringing in my right ear. Maddening to say the least. I feel like I have been hijacked. If you go to concerts I reccomend ear plugs. You don't want this shit. Protect your ears. I don't have it 24/7 in other words somedays it won't ring but it always feels like it wants to. When my mom use to scream turn it down you're gonna hurt your ears I wish I would have listened.


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