Yeah. Don't send her to prison so the message goes out to other teachers (who have probably thought about/wanted to sleep with a student) that they can do this and just get a slap on the wrist and go on with their life <_>
my point is the crime doesnt fit the time... if you wanna go that route then why dont we send everyone to jail for five years for every single crime then hey people wouldnt do any crimes anymore amirite?
your point was sending her to jail would deter other teachers from doing the same thing.. while i agree with that statement its still not fair. seding someone to jail for speeding would prob keep alot of people from speeding but that doesnt mean its right to send people to jail for that
Heres what I dont understand...Chewbacca is a wookie. But Wookies are from Kashyyyk. Whats an 8 foot tall Wookie doing living on Endor with Ewoks? That does NOT. MAKE. SENSE.
i dont think its unrealistic to conclude that a woman having consensual sex with a 17 year old MAN is worthy of sending someone to a shitty place like jail.. prison is one shitty place and should be saved for violent people and real shitty people.. she should be arrested put on probation, register as a sex offender and not allowed to work with kids anymore..thats all i have to say about it im done now
Either way, the hooker won't go to prison.