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Amanda Todd



  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker

    tbh the only attention i've seen this story get is on here lol.
    dood if you type ama into google its the second thing lol pretty big
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers

    I don't show sympathy we all know that but the main thing is killing yourself wont change anything. There's no point in it.

    this guy might disagree with you.

  • monicaamonicaa Posts: 7,109 destroyer of motherfuckers

    tbh the only attention i've seen this story get is on here lol.
    I originally heard about it on cnn
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited October 2012
    doesn't mean people are talking about her though. i still have yet to see anything about her other than on here and memes on facebook posted by people that are on here lol
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • monicaamonicaa Posts: 7,109 destroyer of motherfuckers
    My news feed is still blowing up about her lol
  • TigerTiger Posts: 2,116 balls deep
    Chick had issues.
    Parents too busy with themselves to give a shit.
    Instead of being the better person and asking for help, or helping herself for that matter makes her an idiot.
    Maybe if she would gtfo the internet and use some real social skills her frame of mind wouldn't have been so fucked up.
    Her only friend was the computer,and when that turned on her...
    The day you need a gun and don't have one, may be your last.

  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers

    everyone saying "you don't understand depression" doesn't understand that this girl did NOT suffer the same kind of depression that people like my sister and bianca suffer from which is chemical and cannot be fixed so easily. This girl had situational depression (something happened to upset her; in this case the bullying, so it made her "depressed"), not chemical depression. she didn't get the proper help. so bitch lost her head. bitch dead.

    You aren't a medical doctor, nor have you examined her medical history to make such a claim. Just because she made this video with reasons for her suicide (ie... situational depression) doesn't mean that the real culprit wasnt some sort of chemical imbalance. In fact, I might go so far as say anyone who actually kills themselves likely has some sort of chemical imbalance.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Fb, Instagram, twitter, news channels she's all over the place. Positive and negative responses.

    And fucking this...

    If all the attention this story has received saves even one other kid from taking their own life, doesn't that make all the attention it's getting worth it?

  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    i say likely because obviously that isn't always the case. Like the monk picture I posted... I doubt he had and situational depression nor any chemical imbalance. He just wanted his life (or really death) to represent a bigger symbol to society.
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,941 spicy boy

    everyone saying "you don't understand depression" doesn't understand that this girl did NOT suffer the same kind of depression that people like my sister and bianca suffer from which is chemical and cannot be fixed so easily. This girl had situational depression (something happened to upset her; in this case the bullying, so it made her "depressed"), not chemical depression. she didn't get the proper help. so bitch lost her head. bitch dead.
    how does it feel to be a callous, ignorant, spoiled brat?
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Chemical depression =/= situation induced depression. I don't get how this is a hard concept to grasp
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker

    Chemical depression =/= situation induced depression. I don't get how this is a hard concept to grasp

    even so, why does that make a difference?
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    If she was taking the medication prescribed it very well could have had a negative effect on her and made everything worse
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    NolaMetal said:

    even so, why does that make a difference?

    'Cause she's saying that Amanda was improperly prescribed anti-depressants. When it's a situational depression, a pill ain't magically getting rid of said situation. Anti-depressants are 'sposed to be used for clinical/chemical depression. There's a medicine for situational depression, it's called getting up off your ass and fighting for a better lifestyle.

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    ahh ok its nice to get a doctors perspective on the subject
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    He's right, actually
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    my reply to why he is so very wrong would take far too long just to try and convince two to three bitchez on the internet, usually i would partake but i think im good now
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    NolaMetal said:

    my reply to why he is so very wrong would take far too long just to try and convince two to three bitchez on the internet, usually i would partake but i think im good now

    You're a fucking moron. Yea, I'm so wrong. 8-|

    >Kids are bullying me.
    >I'm depressed 'cause of it.
    >Here, take this pill.
    >POOF! Bullies and depression = Gone.

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    edited October 2012
    my reply would be more geared toward why situational depression is just as significant and real as chemical depression is.. not her misdiagnosis (if she had one im not a doctor and dont know what/ how much she was prescribed, why she was prescribed it, what she told the doctors etc etc etc?) or whether or not she should have been on depression pills at all or the need to take depression medication
  • jagjag Posts: 5,033 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Distance said:

    This convo made me think of this girl in grade school that would bother me on the bus. She farted on my backpack lmao

    I lol'd pretty hard at the last part.
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