i use to work for a contractor who did demolition for insurance companies and as soon as he picked me up in the morning he'd throw me a bag'o'weed and tell me to roll myself one
Dude, it was like I smoked on the set of Scooby Doo. It was a fucking abandoned house farm thing, there were a coupe sheds, and this old ass fan that has been sitting there for years. First thing I said was "This is a good place to get slaughtered."
Friday night, neither of this chicks could go..but me and my friend still went.
Last night was more of a party..and it was weird because these preppy kids showed up and made it their own party..after we had been drinking for some time, so I felt kind of weird around them. But I hang out with a few of them anyway, so it was cool. Once again no girls stayed for long...so later that night the few guys left went to this corn field and made a stoner cirlce. I'm pretty sure we witnessed an extreme case of domestic violence, and there may have been shots fired..I don't know, but we were freaking out..and then we though the guy heard us because he shot off in his car, then swung around and parked right by the trailer in my friends back yard that we were sitting in. Then he yell's to this chick "GET IN THE FUCKING CAR." and the next part I'm not 100 on, but we believe he said "I HAVE A FUCKING GUN, WITH FUCKING BULLETS" but after that it was strange too, because he got out the car and took off running, and then she walked into the car and took off. It was like fucking musical chairs with a gun and some people and a car.
I also found out that I can text like a champ when I'm drinking, so for those saying that it isn't hard, I believe you know.
We're trying to make a megabig stoner circle tomorrow. First off, I think the place we smoked at last time was a former stoner cirlce, because there was two tubs stacked with a VCR on top, a random filter, funnel, big ass pot, and and something else...in the middle of nowhere.
Second, to get back we had to walk across this recently plowed corn field in the dark. We were so fucking lost even though it was a straight shot back. We ran around lost for a good 20 minutes, and I swear I took on godlike powers because at no point did I lose my breath.
Lolz...I have pot seeds that my Cousin gave me a year or so ago. We were gonna throw 'em in the neighbor's yard to try and get them to grow to call the cops on him. (One of those neighbors where you just wanna commit arson on his house.)
Dude, that motherfucker deserved it. He tried to shoot our neighbor's Dog with a BB Gun, and he threw all his garbage in our yard for the longest time. He started a war with the wrong motherfucker.
Gonna see where this goes
"Right over there, theres some people smoking weed. Because its coming this way."
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
My experience is when I smoke with girls they just get all quiet after. Next time I do that I'll make sure to have some redbull handy.
Last night was more of a party..and it was weird because these preppy kids showed up and made it their own party..after we had been drinking for some time, so I felt kind of weird around them. But I hang out with a few of them anyway, so it was cool. Once again no girls stayed for long...so later that night the few guys left went to this corn field and made a stoner cirlce. I'm pretty sure we witnessed an extreme case of domestic violence, and there may have been shots fired..I don't know, but we were freaking out..and then we though the guy heard us because he shot off in his car, then swung around and parked right by the trailer in my friends back yard that we were sitting in. Then he yell's to this chick "GET IN THE FUCKING CAR." and the next part I'm not 100 on, but we believe he said "I HAVE A FUCKING GUN, WITH FUCKING BULLETS" but after that it was strange too, because he got out the car and took off running, and then she walked into the car and took off. It was like fucking musical chairs with a gun and some people and a car.
I also found out that I can text like a champ when I'm drinking, so for those saying that it isn't hard, I believe you know.
First off, I think the place we smoked at last time was a former stoner cirlce, because there was two tubs stacked with a VCR on top, a random filter, funnel, big ass pot, and and something else...in the middle of nowhere.
Second, to get back we had to walk across this recently plowed corn field in the dark. We were so fucking lost even though it was a straight shot back. We ran around lost for a good 20 minutes, and I swear I took on godlike powers because at no point did I lose my breath.
So awesome.
I could grow my own Weed if I wanted...lmao.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)