I like pain killers but only in moderation. I eat them when my back hurts or when snowboarding or at shows but only one at a time.
my friend put a percocet up her butt and almost died. <_>
Yep that's cause you get the full pill all at once. The inside of you ass is thin skin so it melts and sinks in fast and strong. I've never done it, my ass is exit only, but I know a few ravers who have
only drug i've ever done that i will NEVER do again is Special K. fucking hated it
Me too I did it once fuck that shit! No crack no h and not meth ever! I've done them once, dope on accident crack by freebasing coke and meth cause I wanted to try, fuck all four of them.
I don't know if I could choose just 1 for the best pot, different strains different highs. Some stand outs though are white rhino, sour diesel, california orange, and the kush I was getting from BC
E bad
Shrooms great
weed great
Hawaiian indica, tutti fruity and juicy fruit but I haven't had any of those 3 in over 5 years