the girl specifically took e all the time they brought her in for a brain scan the doctors said holy shit your brain fucked they showed the picture of the brain and it was indeed fucked how can you argue against that??
Cause that's the only one I have ever seen, just because there looks like a connection doesn't mean there is. I just don't think I would use MTV as my source for anything but music
go watch it, Abba. full episode is on youtube :bz
I watched it when it originally aired, made me scared to do it till I researched it more.
or better yet abba go get a full brain scan and then ill listen to you
Ive had a few. I've had a few concussions so they have scanned it and it's fine.
i still believe long term e use is dangerous for the brain like i said id try it to give it a shot but thats pretty much it i dont like chemicals n shit i try n stay natural %%-
i still believe long term e use is dangerous for the brain like i said id try it to give it a shot but thats pretty much it i dont like chemicals n shit i try n stay natural %%-
That's cool I was just trying to tell you to at least try it, it's fun. I don't like chemicals anymore that's why I only eat Molly anymore, probably last 5 years. I agree long term excessive use of anything isn't good, even pot. I know I'm a hypocrite for saying that cause I smoke way too much but at least I know it's not good right lol
yeah by about the third day i was starting to have troubles figuring out what was reality and what wasnt. i was awake but would space out for like 20 minutes at a time.
my old roommate almost pissed on our coffee table while he was all fucked up on mdma. it was kind of funny because he went to bed and a bunch of were still up partying in the living room and he walks out of his room, whips his cock out to take a piss and we are all like "hey man what the fuck are you doing" he looks over at us smiles and says "oh just taking a piss" so we all yelled at him that he couldnt piss there so he shrugs his shoulders says ok and goes back to bed without even going for a piss
I mean you can put it in your butt I wouldn't but that's just me lol Stevie nicks used to put coke up her butt it hits you harder no stomach acid to eat it away
Ive had a few. I've had a few concussions so they have scanned it and it's fine.
like i said id try it to give it a shot but thats pretty much it
i dont like chemicals n shit i try n stay natural %%-
Your gonna scare him distance lol