Most of my dinners has been vegan for the last two months and a good 90% of them are awesome. And I was eating those at a time when I would eat meat still and everything else. The food I have had just tastes good so if you're getting shit food it's probably from someone who is a shit cook.
I pretty much do what Satan does. Every once in a while I get subway and get the same sub I normally would just with no meat. So it's lettuce, spinach, tomato, cucumber, pickle, banana pepper ranch and buffalo sauce
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Calendar didn't account for leap year so if it was right the world would have end months ago
not true, first of all the Mayan calender and the Gregorian calender are two completely different animals. the mayan calender is based on astrology. the prediction of the world ending december 21 2012 is suppose to happen during the winter solstice, which will happen on december 21 2012. now i dont think the world will actually end but they are correct with december 21 2012 being the planetary allignment which is suppose to "bring in the new age" not necessarily the end of the world. oh and the mayan calender "year" is 365.2422, so yes they did take into account for the leap year
November 15th is opening Rifle Deer Season up here. So many people in da U.P. hunt deer that my work has opening day as a PAID HOLIDAY! ...or you can take the day before Thanksgiving off and have a super short work week of just Monday and Tuesday...
I usually take the day before Thanksgiving off of work.
hunting season is like vacation for me cuz that means the boss will be gone for 2 weeks.
Anyway I like how the hunting thing got brought up like it was going to offend me. Truth is I support hunting one for the population control and two because if you're eating the meat from it it's not going to waste and the animal isn't being pumped full of steroids and antibiotics and everything else we shouldn't be ingesting.
In fact I don't have a problem with people eating meat but I do think people need to see where their store bought shit is coming from and what's being out in it. Buy local and buy organic.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
my Animal Nutrition professor said he can see the use of antibiotics and non-nutritive additives only lasting maybe a few more years its declining now that people are aware and buying less and less meat treated with them
Yup. The less processed it is, the better it is for you. People have fucked with natural food supplies so much that in most foods now there is less nutritional value per calorie in many of our staple foods than was present in the same food a few generations ago.
there is a family of deer in my backyard and have been coming out during the day for the past week my dad gives them carrots and apples and they just chill and stay there even if my parents re outside two babies, a mom and the dad
when i was a kid, there was a deer that just hung out around town. it wasnt afraid of people you could walk up and pet it. then hunting season came around and it mysteriously disappeared
theyre so cute did you know that there has been attempts to domesticate white-tailed deer? they all failed lmao but the reason that they are so abundant, at least in NJ, is because we made the perfect grazing areas for them they like to graze at the edge of a forest and grassland and with all the land that was cleared for houses within the trees here, they love it
i can remember when i was a kid i would stay the night at my grandparents and wake up at like 7:30 and it would still be dewy (sp?) and i would look out the fogged windows and see like 10-12 deer every time. it was like out of a movie. it was majestic.
I pretty much do what Satan does. Every once in a while I get subway and get the same sub I normally would just with no meat. So it's lettuce, spinach, tomato, cucumber, pickle, banana pepper ranch and buffalo sauce
oh and the mayan calender "year" is 365.2422, so yes they did take into account for the leap year
Anyway I like how the hunting thing got brought up like it was going to offend me. Truth is I support hunting one for the population control and two because if you're eating the meat from it it's not going to waste and the animal isn't being pumped full of steroids and antibiotics and everything else we shouldn't be ingesting.
In fact I don't have a problem with people eating meat but I do think people need to see where their store bought shit is coming from and what's being out in it. Buy local and buy organic.
its declining now that people are aware and buying less and less meat treated with them
my dad gives them carrots and apples and they just chill and stay there even if my parents re outside
two babies, a mom and the dad
did you know that there has been attempts to domesticate white-tailed deer? they all failed lmao
but the reason that they are so abundant, at least in NJ, is because we made the perfect grazing areas for them
they like to graze at the edge of a forest and grassland and with all the land that was cleared for houses within the trees here, they love it