I just wanted to make a thread I know there are a few of us who don't eat meat so I thought it would be nice to have a thread to talk about various things with eating that way. Maybe share different foods or ideas you have had. I made it a poll to say what you are. If you eat meat that's cool I'm not here to try and convert you or tell you you are wrong. Just something new to talk about on here.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Vegetarian and vegan thread 29 votes

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I had Lamb Shank and she had Eye Fillet....nom nom
I have found that I love tempeh
up that sucks if I was her I would have said fuck it and only made food for myself.
I don't watch documentaries on anything so that's not how I came about changing my diet. Something had to change nothing was working but this seems to be. There are documentaries out there that are pretty brutal. One being called earthlings.