my baby situation has been decided for me....and theres nothing i can do about it....
Ariel came to me today and told me she decided that she wasnt in the right place to raise a child so she's putting the baby up for adoption...
i cant do or say anything to change her mind...
chill back, but let her know you disagree. women are fucking nuts when they're pregnant and need a lot of space. when she starts seeing the ultrasounds and hearing heartbeats regularly, it's gonna be hard for her to give up the kid. and if she still chooses that, fuck her. take the baby and raise it yourself. if she wants to be a selfish cunt, that's her loss
What works for one may not work for another is all I'm saying. I'd rather struggle some with finances than be too old (or even too lazy) to be actively engaged with my kids. Ive heard friends of my kids remark that "their dad doesn't get off the couch" when I'm with my kids building forts, skate ramps, playing hockey, playing with legos, having squirtgun wars, jumping in the trampoline etc. Feelsgoodman.jpeg
I take it back, I'm still an overgrown child lol.
i feel the exact same way. my front yard looks like a playground and my son has all the best toys because i like to play with them, too lol
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
edited July 2012
givz a fukk
idk.. I can get that she doesnt want to be a mother. Selfish? Probably... she doesnt want to give up her life for something she created. What's wrong with that even if it is a little selfish? You only get one life (probably) so what's wrong with you not wanting to waste 18 years of it on some other person?
Now she is a cunt for making the decision to put the child up for adoption without even asking the father who by all accounts appears to be a very involved dude. I mean when he found out he posts that thread beaming with excitement about being a dad... and she's just going to pretend like it's only her decision and fuck him? That's a pretty cunt thing to do.
But like Satan said above (which I also said but in a longer version so no one read- kinda like this one), she will probably chill out and change her mind when she starts hearing heart beats and feeling little feet kickin.
The way I look at abortion is it's not my body and it's not my place to tell someone what to do with it. Nor is it anyone elses. Worry about yourself
I didnt see anyone contradicting what you said here. Just because I wouldnt want a woman I impregnated having an abortion, doesnt mean I believe I have the right to tell her no, nor the government having the right to tell her no.
well george A: I dont live with my mom she actually died a couple years ago and B: I have my own place and my shit somewhat together.. you dont know my money situation or anything of the sort so idk why you would come out and make a completely different thread just to tell me I need to falcon punch my soon to be babys momma..
Dude what the fucks wrong witchu?
I never said falcon punch, I just said punch, or kill, or coat hanger abortion. Don't be putting words in my mouth son.
I'd laugh so hard if the kid came out black )
Honestly tho if you're all about it, be all about it and good luck. You're gonna need it.
I'd rather a woman abort than put her kid in the adoption system
why? there are lots of people who really want to have children but biologically are prevented from doing so. Why would you be so against these people having kids?
well george A: I dont live with my mom she actually died a couple years ago and B: I have my own place and my shit somewhat together.. you dont know my money situation or anything of the sort so idk why you would come out and make a completely different thread just to tell me I need to falcon punch my soon to be babys momma..
=D> good for you man. So what are you guys going to do? You gonna be a daddy?
well george A: I dont live with my mom she actually died a couple years ago and B: I have my own place and my shit somewhat together.. you dont know my money situation or anything of the sort so idk why you would come out and make a completely different thread just to tell me I need to falcon punch my soon to be babys momma..
Dude what the fucks wrong witchu?
I never said falcon punch, I just said punch, or kill, or coat hanger abortion. Don't be putting words in my mouth son.
I'd laugh so hard if the kid came out black )
Honestly tho if you're all about it, be all about it and good luck. You're gonna need it.
I'd rather a woman abort than put her kid in the adoption system
why? there are lots of people who really want to have children but biologically are prevented from doing so. Why would you be so against these people having kids?
i agree 100%...i know multiple people who were adopted and most of them have had better more balanced lives then i have had lol...abortion is a good option IMO if the parents are not suited to raise a child ( not talking about nick or amurica)
abortion def is doe
0 fucks would be givin that day and shed be out of my place and back to couch surfin...or moochin off her mama....
Now she is a cunt for making the decision to put the child up for adoption without even asking the father who by all accounts appears to be a very involved dude. I mean when he found out he posts that thread beaming with excitement about being a dad... and she's just going to pretend like it's only her decision and fuck him? That's a pretty cunt thing to do.
But like Satan said above (which I also said but in a longer version so no one read- kinda like this one), she will probably chill out and change her mind when she starts hearing heart beats and feeling little feet kickin.
I never said falcon punch, I just said punch, or kill, or coat hanger abortion. Don't be putting words in my mouth son.
I'd laugh so hard if the kid came out black
Honestly tho if you're all about it, be all about it and good luck. You're gonna need it.