But if you've never shot one, how can you know if you like them or not? Guns are awesome. I'm not saying that you have to have one in your house, but you should definitely learn how to handle and shoot one safely.
I suppose. But I find it hard to picture myself actually using it. I'd be hesitant. Unless of course my life was in danger. I know for a fact I could never hunt. I don't know maybe someday.
twice i was fired from a job and was not told i was fired lol. well, the second time idk if the term fired is proper cause the store was closing and i knew it was but i hadn't worked a single hour for like 2 or 3 straight weeks and there was about a month left till the store closed and i finally went in there and asked them if i still worked there and they told me no LOL.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
strangely enough, i've also been dumped one time but was not told about it ) ) she had to move about 30 minutes away but i had my license at the time so it wasn't really a big deal to me but idk if that had anything to do with it or not. anyway, she had a friend call me to tell me it was over but her friend never told me. she just told me that my gf was really upset and that i should talk to her. so i called her a shitload of times the next day and she never answered but i knew she was home. so she had another friend call me and tell me and the conversation was pretty much like this:
Dude: stop calling her. you're scaring her. Me: what? Dude: it's over between you 2, move on. Someone should've told you this last night. Me: no, nobody told me anything. one of her friends called me and just told me she was really upset and that i needed to talk to her. nobody told me it was over Dude: oh (long pause), well now im telling you. It's over
) )
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
Lol what a vagina. Who has a friend call them and tell somebody It's over
One of my ex boyfriends did that to me. He did try to tell me himself but couldn't do it I guess. That entire phone call I could tell something was weird or wasn't right. After we hung up literally seconds later my friend called me to tell me whiched confirmed why it was all weird
No, i was/am 5 years older than her, and she's a dumb bitch, one of those preppy, ditzy, spoiled rotten, "daddy's little princess" types, i can't stand her, I've probably gotten a total of 8 FB requests from her until i finally blocked her.
Same year I got to fly a Cessna.
The first video game console I ever got was a Sega Genesis.
she had to move about 30 minutes away but i had my license at the time so it wasn't really a big deal to me but idk if that had anything to do with it or not. anyway, she had a friend call me to tell me it was over but her friend never told me. she just told me that my gf was really upset and that i should talk to her. so i called her a shitload of times the next day and she never answered but i knew she was home. so she had another friend call me and tell me and the conversation was pretty much like this:
Dude: stop calling her. you're scaring her.
Me: what?
Dude: it's over between you 2, move on. Someone should've told you this last night.
Me: no, nobody told me anything. one of her friends called me and just told me she was really upset and that i needed to talk to her. nobody told me it was over
Dude: oh (long pause), well now im telling you. It's over
and my ex GF gave me shit trying to do it over the phone. She was all like "No! You're not doing this! Talk to me tomorrow!"
Well it still happened...
Proof that Facefuck is gay.