I just found a bunch of old pictures of me from when I was 14 and wearing like black lipstick and shit and also when I was 17 and hung out with Avenged Sevenfold. As soon as I find a scanner, I'll post them.
thanks. there will prob be video on youtube within the next few days, as there were a fuckload of on lookers taking video and pictures (several with professional equipment) and i made sure to mug for the camera. also funny to see a few of us made some little kids cry,as we went through the big downtown part of silver spring md
last night.
Also its the first time ive worn a hoodie in a year. i love chilly nights
last night aswell...before the jackets haha
5:47 me
right at the begining (and zombie jesus)
...i dont have a girlfriend?
shes my fiancee
EDIT : New Page