Read through some of this ....if I go to Detroit's mayhem next year....I'd like a shirt...and I'm glad to say I never wore tripp pants...just wore dickies...:)
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
Read through some of this ....if I go to Detroit's mayhem next year....I'd like a shirt...and I'm glad to say I never wore tripp pants...just wore dickies...:)
Wow, she actually didn't say an insult to your girlfriend
...i dont have a girlfriend?
shes my fiancee
EDIT : New Page
Eh... Fiance = Girlfriend imo
Until you guys tie the knot its pretty much the same thing.
well if you have all kinds of wedding plans, such having certain things paid for and dates planned out, I'd give the title of fiance a little more credit. but if not you're just another dumb kid making your fb relationship status "engaged" cause you think you're cool.
smexy bday buddy......I has not texted you I'm such a lame...and I hope I do go next year ...but if I do go to Cali in July imma go to mayhem there..maybe I'll go to's all in the air right now..since my sis and me are supposedly gonna go to Spain next year..according to my parents! so I'm stoked! And helllllo wine!
And I haven't posted Rex..cuz I was going through some crap and just moved to Kansas...don't have a computer..and being on an iPod isn't all that great
Until you guys tie the knot its pretty much the same thing.
Money talks.