This was taken at a place in my city referred to as "Africa". If you walk through the trails, you can easily find this spot. It's not the best picture to describe, but I'm basically standing in front of a big drop-off that leads out to lush meadowland. In the summertime, it looks pretty amazing, especially in late afternoon when the sun is starting to set. It's a popular smoking location, and rest stop for hikers.
These days, it looks more like a swampland or marshland, not only because of the season, but also because it's been raining for like a week straight, maybe longer.
The tree I'm standing next to is called "The Satan Tree" because of the pentagram spraypainted on it. It's easier to see in real life but if you look, it's up towards the top.
That chicken (whatever) picture tripped me out. Look at the scene to the right with the redheaded chick. I thought that was someone in a chair... but it's on a screen??
That chicken (whatever) picture tripped me out. Look at the scene to the right with the redheaded chick. I thought that was someone in a chair... but it's on a screen??
Yup, it was on a screen. Pretty trippy though, now that you mention it.
This was taken at a place in my city referred to as "Africa". If you walk through the trails, you can easily find this spot. It's not the best picture to describe, but I'm basically standing in front of a big drop-off that leads out to lush meadowland. In the summertime, it looks pretty amazing, especially in late afternoon when the sun is starting to set. It's a popular smoking location, and rest stop for hikers.
These days, it looks more like a swampland or marshland, not only because of the season, but also because it's been raining for like a week straight, maybe longer.
The tree I'm standing next to is called "The Satan Tree" because of the pentagram spraypainted on it. It's easier to see in real life but if you look, it's up towards the top.
Jew State University :-?
Alabama...not Florida. lol
Wake's would for two.