Rugby - you're doing it wrong But at least you're not wearing padding and helmets and body armor like those Nancy boy Grid Iron/American Football players
The snitch is an unbiased third party player. He is dressed in all yellow, and the snitch basically hanging at his bum. He has free reign to run anywhere on a campus, and has free reign to do what ever he wants to to prevent the seekers from catching the ball; including tackling, stealing a broom (you must be on a broom to be considered in play, if you lose a broom you must mount a broom and touch a goal post to be considered back in play), throwing bludgers, or even like spraying shaving cream. Apparently a snitch even got on the roof of the Belmont Mansion at a home game last year.
The game doesn't end until the snitch is snatched too... So the game could last anywhere from about 15 mins (there's a period of time in which the seekers cannot go after the snitch), to forever.
Rugby - you're doing it wrong But at least you're not wearing padding and helmets and body armor like those Nancy boy Grid Iron/American Football players
yea, keep in mind this is a full contact sport... and co-ed
I have full permission to totally destroy even a girl a fourth of my size )
Oh wait... that's oatmeal...
Indeed, quite
Took both of these dudes to get me down
and more...
But at least you're not wearing padding and helmets and body armor like those Nancy boy Grid Iron/American Football players
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
He is dressed in all yellow, and the snitch basically hanging at his bum. He has free reign to run anywhere on a campus, and has free reign to do what ever he wants to to prevent the seekers from catching the ball; including tackling, stealing a broom (you must be on a broom to be considered in play, if you lose a broom you must mount a broom and touch a goal post to be considered back in play), throwing bludgers, or even like spraying shaving cream. Apparently a snitch even got on the roof of the Belmont Mansion at a home game last year.
The game doesn't end until the snitch is snatched too... So the game could last anywhere from about 15 mins (there's a period of time in which the seekers cannot go after the snitch), to forever.
I have full permission to totally destroy even a girl a fourth of my size