just like i dont sugar coar eriks derogatory view of women just like i dont sugar coat eriks materialistic views of fashion just like i dont sugar coat eriks offensive view of people who struggle with weight issues just like i dont sugar coat eriks pitiful attempt of lyric writing just like i dont sugar coat eriks sad attempt to just fit into his little rap world with these silly words and just be himself
You are fucking stupid. I am being myself, just so happens that being myself clearly tears you up. It's sad how much you care about every detail of my life. And look at you getting asshurt about fatties, you really are a fucking chubby chaser. )
As far as Wake, I have the OG pic of the alleyway, but I'm not gonna post it to please you and feed into your bullshit. It's always fucking something wit you and Satan. Take 5 fucking seconds to carefully examine it, and you'll see the differences. Oh, the fire escape is in the same place? So is every fucking fire escape is Chicago alleyways, they're all exactly like that, and always on the left or right, depending on what side of the alleyway you're on.
As far as Wake, I have the OG pic of the alleyway, but I'm not gonna post it to please you and feed into your bullshit. It's always fucking something wit you and Satan. Take 5 fucking seconds to carefully examine it, and you'll see the differences. Oh, the fire escape is in the same place? So is every fucking fire escape is Chicago alleyways, they're all exactly like that, and always on the left or right, depending on what side of the alleyway you're on.
Expected. This is all the proof I needed. Someone points out it is the exact same backdrop and instead of posting the proof Erik says "all alleyways look the same". GTFO with that bullshit. No one is buying it. You know your "photographer" used that Diamond Plate album, and we all know it too. I hope if you make it bad that Diamond Plate sues the fuck out of you.
Lolk. They wouldn't be able to, 'cause it's not the same picture, like I said, take a good 30 seconds to really fucking look at it, and anyone wit eyes can see that. The number one indicators? Mine doesn't have a curb, and the angles are completely different, you can tell the Diamond Plate one was taken at a more straight angle, close to the ground, as well as more close up. Another indicator? THE ENTIRE FUCKING BUILDING ON THE LEFT IS A DIFFERENT BUILDING.
But nah, I have it, but I'm sick of your "Pics or lies." bullshit, and I'm not feeding into it, all it'll do is add another 10 page war. You don't even need just the background to tell that they're different, if you're not a moron.
Lolk. They wouldn't be able to, 'cause it's not the same picture, like I said, take a good 30 seconds to really fucking look at it, and anyone wit eyes can see that. The number one indicators? Mine doesn't have a curb, and the angles are completely different, you can tell the Diamond Plate one was taken at a more straight angle, close to the ground, as well as more close up. Another indicator? THE ENTIRE FUCKING BUILDING ON THE LEFT IS A DIFFERENT BUILDING.
But nah, I have it, but I'm sick of your "Pics or lies." bullshit, and I'm not feeding into it, all it'll do is add another 10 page war. You don't even need just the background to tell that they're different, if you're not a moron.
your pic is just a grained out copy which hides detail. You took the Diamond Plate album, applied a few photoshop filters and now it's difficult to tell it is a direct copy. You arent fooling anyone.
Lolk. They wouldn't be able to, 'cause it's not the same picture, like I said, take a good 30 seconds to really fucking look at it, and anyone wit eyes can see that. The number one indicators? Mine doesn't have a curb, and the angles are completely different, you can tell the Diamond Plate one was taken at a more straight angle, close to the ground, as well as more close up. Another indicator? THE ENTIRE FUCKING BUILDING ON THE LEFT IS A DIFFERENT BUILDING.
But nah, I have it, but I'm sick of your "Pics or lies." bullshit, and I'm not feeding into it, all it'll do is add another 10 page war. You don't even need just the background to tell that they're different, if you're not a moron.
your pic is just a grained out copy which hides detail. You took the Diamond Plate album, applied a few photoshop filters and now it's difficult to tell it is a direct copy. You arent fooling anyone.
It's truly sad how hard you try. I don't even get mad, I just.......pity you. Either that, or you're just a REALLY bad troll. Moving on. 8-|
Lol, gimme a year faggot. I'll fucking embarrass you. I'm 10x more dedicated than you, and eat 10x better, if you seriously think you're gonna have a better physique by downing a case every night and eating absolute junk, I pity you. So, laugh while you can, I take no offense, and it only motivates me, 'cause I know I'll never stop, and I know in a year's time, I'll have an impressive fucking physique, definitely the best on here.
you've already had a year faggot. you're 10x more without a job and friends than me. If I had no job or friends and a mother that paid me 50 bucks to mow the lawn every week I'd be just as dedicated to just working out and pretending to be a rapper like you. and try again nance, a case of beer lasts me 2 weeks. I'll continue eating shit and drinking beer and going to my homosexual gym and be fit in no time. keep looking anorexic popsicle.
and yes you are huge. huge with a forehead
Lolusomad! Nice try, but A: I've said so many times that I don't give a fuck about not having friends. I don't even make an effort to make any, I don't like fucking wit many people at all besides myself. B: Not like I haven't been trying for a job, I've filled out countless applications, and that's besides the point, when I get one, I'll be just as dedicated to my Music and fitness. Excuses are for faggots who try and find one. Yea, I know, easier said than done, blah blah blah, but it'll get done, I don't give a fuck if it means I'm not lifting 'til midnight, I don't make excuses, and my shit'll get done. Excuses are for weak faggots like you. C: Nice try wit the forehead shit. Huge forehead and proud. That'd be effective if I was actually ashamed/embarrassed of my forehead. If I'm anorexic, yo ass should damn near be on life support. )
Lolusomad! Nice try, but A: I've said so many times that I don't give a fuck about not having friends. I don't even make an effort to make any, I don't like fucking wit many people at all besides myself. B: Not like I haven't been trying for a job, I've filled out countless applications, and that's besides the point, when I get one, I'll be just as dedicated to my Music and fitness. Excuses are for faggots who try and find one. Yea, I know, easier said than done, blah blah blah, but it'll get done, I don't give a fuck if it means I'm not lifting 'til midnight, I don't make excuses, and my shit'll get done.
This was awesome. My favorite part of it was when you said "Excuses are for faggots" because you are the king of excuses. Why isnt your demo tape done yet? Oh that right...
You are fucking stupid. I am being myself, just so happens that being myself clearly tears you up. It's sad how much you care about every detail of my life. And look at you getting asshurt about fatties, you really are a fucking chubby chaser.
As far as Wake, I have the OG pic of the alleyway, but I'm not gonna post it to please you and feed into your bullshit. It's always fucking something wit you and Satan. Take 5 fucking seconds to carefully examine it, and you'll see the differences. Oh, the fire escape is in the same place? So is every fucking fire escape is Chicago alleyways, they're all exactly like that, and always on the left or right, depending on what side of the alleyway you're on.
But nah, I have it, but I'm sick of your "Pics or lies." bullshit, and I'm not feeding into it, all it'll do is add another 10 page war. You don't even need just the background to tell that they're different, if you're not a moron.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
It's truly sad how hard you try. I don't even get mad, I just.......pity you. Either that, or you're just a REALLY bad troll. Moving on. 8-|
Lolusomad! Nice try, but A: I've said so many times that I don't give a fuck about not having friends. I don't even make an effort to make any, I don't like fucking wit many people at all besides myself. B: Not like I haven't been trying for a job, I've filled out countless applications, and that's besides the point, when I get one, I'll be just as dedicated to my Music and fitness. Excuses are for faggots who try and find one. Yea, I know, easier said than done, blah blah blah, but it'll get done, I don't give a fuck if it means I'm not lifting 'til midnight, I don't make excuses, and my shit'll get done. Excuses are for weak faggots like you. C: Nice try wit the forehead shit. Huge forehead and proud. That'd be effective if I was actually ashamed/embarrassed of my forehead.