And when you do get to Nashville can you get one of those skanky groupie chicks to blow MC please George?
I'll call him up on stage, that will work. Last weekend we had mad bitches just standing like right in front of us in Rome and Syracuse ny. I guess they think we're rock stars or something. Their panties were soaked. I can def get MC laid. I'll say he's an Iraq war hero and my brother and was the original guitar player in Crowbar. Bitchesz will be dripping for some epic beard MC Christian cock!
Around here, I'm sure your ass could get filled by some rich cock. There's some weird motherfuckers around the way. It's crazy cause like one city block has like 5000 people living on it.
George - What do you think the odds are that you fuck up and accidentally sleep with some hot groupie?
0. If i was still a drunkin fuckin ass, I'd prolly say maybe. But we're all straight in the band and try to live right. I'd be fuxking wrecked mentally if I did something like that. I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt, it would not be worth it. Plus I can bang and jawn I want with my eyes closed and a bottle of lotion! :-bd
And when you do get to Nashville can you get one of those skanky groupie chicks to blow MC please George?
I'll call him up on stage, that will work. Last weekend we had mad bitches just standing like right in front of us in Rome and Syracuse ny. I guess they think we're rock stars or something. Their panties were soaked. I can def get MC laid. I'll say he's an Iraq war hero and my brother and was the original guitar player in Crowbar. Bitchesz will be dripping for some epic beard MC Christian cock!
George - What do you think the odds are that you fuck up and accidentally sleep with some hot groupie?
0. If i was still a drunkin fuckin ass, I'd prolly say maybe. But we're all straight in the band and try to live right. I'd be fuxking wrecked mentally if I did something like that. I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt, it would not be worth it. Plus I can bang and jawn I want with my eyes closed and a bottle of lotion! :-bd
Well all I know is that being a drunk ass or not - turning down hot pussy that is dying for your dick is hard to do. And no doubt, I know you love your wife and wouldnt want to do that too her.... but when you are in that moment, sometimes your brain gets a little clouded by what the dick wants. I aint saying you dont have the will power keep the pussy at arms length, but what I am saying is 'good job brah' if you can successfully fight off that pussy \m/