So we're playing this fest.... I know the bands Fit For An Autopsy, Existence, and The Merciless Concept. Anyone know much about the other bands? The 3 bands I mentioned I think rule, just never really listened to any of the others...
Rivers Of Nihill, Impending Doom and Within The Ruins aren't bad, but nothing that amazing either.
what happened with facefuck? i'll ask them stright up.
Facefuck talks mad shit about them cuz his friends band Wirethrone said they were assholes at a show or something.
No, i was there when he was asking like a little shit. ---
Originally, Abiotic were doing a 6 show mini tour across FL and Wirethrone were going to pay them $40 to jump on those dates. I was riding with WT to the first show, and when we got there, John Matos decided he wasn't going to let WT on the tour, BUT they still had to pay the $40 or he wouldn't let them play that show (after driving two hours to the venue).
On top of that, Wirethrone were the only one of the 5 local opening bands to sell all of their pre sales, and he made them pay an addition $25 for no fucking reason at all, but didn't do it to any of the other locals.
There is another band from tampa called Murderfly that has had shit with John Matos, the guy straight up thinks Abiotic are the best thing to come out of FL since the "classic" death metal era.
The rest :-&
Originally, Abiotic were doing a 6 show mini tour across FL and Wirethrone were going to pay them $40 to jump on those dates. I was riding with WT to the first show, and when we got there, John Matos decided he wasn't going to let WT on the tour, BUT they still had to pay the $40 or he wouldn't let them play that show (after driving two hours to the venue).
On top of that, Wirethrone were the only one of the 5 local opening bands to sell all of their pre sales, and he made them pay an addition $25 for no fucking reason at all, but didn't do it to any of the other locals.
There is another band from tampa called Murderfly that has had shit with John Matos, the guy straight up thinks Abiotic are the best thing to come out of FL since the "classic" death metal era.