First they make Captain America turn old, and make Falcon the new Captain America.
Then they make Captain America young again, but keep Falcon as Captain America too - meaning there are two Captain Americas now.
Yesterday Twitter and Tumblr were pushing to make Captain America gay.
Today, I find out they actually turned Captain America into a Nazi in the new Captain America #1 comic. "He was a secret deep Hydra operative this whole time".
Marvel doesn't know wtf they're doing right now with these legacy characters.
Theyve completely run out of ideas, and are resorting to fucking with the legacy characters. Theyre doing ANOTHER Civil War. Thor is still a woman. There are three Hulks now. Two Spider Mans. Two Wolverines. Two Captain Americas. Fuck even two Star Lords.
Like wtf. Come up with new original characters and stories.
Apparently this whole season has just been awful. Felicity is the main character, even moreso than Green Arrow. And its just devolved into CW soap opera bullshit. I guess Felicity Mary Sue'd her way through the finale and endes up saving the day.
NOW DC. My brother just explained to me that Watchmen is now cannon, that Dr. Manhattan created the New 52, and is vaporizing anyone who figures it out. That is the story of the current reboot.
Then they make Captain America young again, but keep Falcon as Captain America too - meaning there are two Captain Americas now.
Yesterday Twitter and Tumblr were pushing to make Captain America gay.
Today, I find out they actually turned Captain America into a Nazi in the new Captain America #1 comic. "He was a secret deep Hydra operative this whole time".
Marvel doesn't know wtf they're doing right now with these legacy characters.
Like wtf. Come up with new original characters and stories.
Why I only sub to a few series now, and theyre mostly indies.
Need to check out some indies though. Any rec's?
/r/arrow turned into a Daredevil subreddit in protest