Will Smith looks ok as Deadshot. But Harley and Joker look beyond horrible. It looks like Leto is just going to copy Ledger. And the movie itself just looks "meh" at best.
Its hilarious to see the flip flop on the comments though. Now all of a sudden everyone thinks it looks awesome? Why? I dont get it.
That fucking sucks. Like, how do you manage to blow Suicide Squad that badly? Fuck. And I can't believe they still haven't learned with Fantastic 4. Those poor bastards already had one terrible movie franchise. Reboot is just no hype at all for me. Like at all, which sucks because I like F4.
It's always been crazy to me how badly they fuck up genre movies. I mean...there are a ton of people into sci-fi/fantasy of all sorts now. Most of the people I made movies with were huge comic nerds. Why can't anyone but Marvel find people that respect and understand the medium to make these movies?
I love Joker and Harley to death, so this suicide squad bs actually bothers me. First time they put her in a live-action and she looks like a goddamn monster high doll with blue and pink hair that decided to get retarded kitchen tattoos. FUCK. NO.
I won't get started on the juggalo/manson hybrid joker
Mark Hamil as Joker :-? He said in the past that the Killing Joke is the only time he'd play the role in a cartoon again.
Will Smith looks ok as Deadshot. But Harley and Joker look beyond horrible. It looks like Leto is just going to copy Ledger. And the movie itself just looks "meh" at best.
Its hilarious to see the flip flop on the comments though. Now all of a sudden everyone thinks it looks awesome? Why? I dont get it.
I won't get started on the juggalo/manson hybrid joker