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The Concert Review Thread



  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Ozzfest 2010 - August 17 - Tinley Park, Illinois - First Midwest Bank Ampitheater.

    OK, so this is officially the best Summer festival out of Mayhem, Summer Slaughter, and Ozzfest. My first Ozzfest, and a fucking excellent day of Metal.

    So I got there as Kataklysm was playing, but by time I got through security and shit, they were done playing, so I missed them. :/

    Upon arriving, I was very surprised at how "small" it was. Not a lot of people there either compared to Mayhem. But, it was absolute win, because there was free Monster all day. FUCK YEA. Monster kicks the shit out of Rockstar.

    So the first band I saw was Goatwhore, and I've been dying to see them for over a year now, and fucking A, they were badass. Apocalyptic Havoc was their highlight of course, damn near blew my voice out screaming that song. 8.5/10

    After they played, Saviours was up, whom I really didn't give a fuck about, so I went to the merch booth, and even though I really wanted an Ozzfest shirt, since this was my first Ozzfest, they were $40, which I did not have, so I bought the Goatwhore "Who Needs A God, When You've Got Satan?" shirt that I've been wanting forever for $25.

    SkeletonWitch was next, and even though this was my 3rd time seeing them, they STILL blew my fucking mind, best side stage band of the day. 10/10

    Next was Kingdom Of Sorrow, but I went to the freak show they had, which was like $5 a person, which was pretty badass. They had a dude who spit fire, swallowed swords, skewered his arm, and was letting people staple dollar bill all over his torso, a very tiny midget who stripped and danced on broken glass, a contortionist stripper, the Cat Man (Yes, the famous one from Ripley's Believe It Or Not.) and this dude who fit his entire body through a tennis racket. Definitely really odd, but still really cool to watch.

    After that, I went to meet DevilDriver, and while waiting in line I met Ben from GoatWhore (Their Vocalist.) cool fucking dude, he was so chill lol. Also, while waiting in line, I saw Alec? I think? It was an older guy, thick and big beard, said "'Sup Erik?" and gave me a really cocky smile. But I'm not entirely sure what Alec looks like, so I said 'sup back in case it was someone I was supposed to know.....Lolz. Then I met all of DevilDriver, EXCEPT Dez. -___________________- Got their autographs though. Then after I met them, Chance from SkeletonWitch was standing around, so I said hi, got a picture, and got my Ozzfest ticket signed by him. Second time I've met him and got a picture with him lolz.

    At that point, Drowning Pool was playing, but once again, I didn't really give a fuck about them, so I got some food. After that, I went to the Monster tent to get another Monster, and I saw Brian there... <_> Lolz. Anyways, Black Label Society started playing while I was waiting, but after I got my Monster, I went over there to finish their set, and it was so meh, never liked BLS all that much to begin with. Zakk's Guitar solo had to be THEE most boring Guitar solo I've ever heard. So fucking repetitive, it pissed me off. Stillborn was win though. 6/10

    From there I went to the main stage, and caught the last of Nonpoint's set, even though I can't stand them. Their stage banter was pretty funny though. I kinda like Bullet With A Name, which was their last song. 4/10

    OK, Note for the next 2 bands. During DevilDriver, who were amazing, I went to the middle of the lawn where the pit was. There were literally Neo Nazi skinheads standing around in a pack, they looked so pissed and just menacing, and I'll be honest, it kinda scared me. They were obviously seen as a threat, because security kept calling for more guys, and at one point, there were at LEAST 20 Security by the pit because of them. One of the skinheads got in a fight, which led to the other 6-7 of them to jump on the same guy and beat his ass. Then they saw a Black kid in the pits and started moshing with him as violent as possible to make him leave. One of them even had a Swastika and the SS symbol tattooed. This was such a crazy show, never seen so many fights, and just downright belligerent, drunk assholes. There was the skinhead fight, a girl fight, an Emo Juggalo Vs. fat dude fight, a couple more, it was getting ridiculous. Not to mention, throughout Halford, Motley Crue, and Ozzy, I saw a nice old classic case of domestic verbal abuse, this dude was drunk and screaming in his girlfriend's face, pushing her, at one point, CHOKING her, and about 3 dudes wanted to beat the living shit out of him, me included. Security even warned him, but never kicked him out. Anyways, it was disturbing, and brought back bad really bothered me and dampened the night a bit.

    DevilDriver: HOLY FUCK. Been dying to see them for like 2 years now, and I finally fucking did. Kinda sucked seeing them on the lawn, rather than up-close, because it was also pretty quiet up on the lawn because they weren't loud enough. Loved their setlist though, and their pits were just fucking mindblowingly insane. Violent as all hell. 10/10

    Halford: Kinda boring solo, wanted him to play Painkiller lolz. But God DAMN does that motherfucker have a voice. It was incredible seeing him reach those ridiculously high pitches live. BUT, during his set, I saw THEE most Metal shit I've ever seen. Due to the skinheads, aforementioned, there was at least 20 security, as I said, and the fucking pit, CHARGED the security on purpose and knocked them all over. LOL. FUCK YEA. 7/10

    Motley Crue: I like Motley Crue, but it's one of those bands you have to be in the mood for. But they were a really fun band nonetheless, loved their setlist. 8/10

    OZZY MOTHERFUCKING OSBOURNE: I'm still kinda TOO blown away by this motherfucker. I hate to say it, but YES, I enjoyed him more than Iron Maiden. But that's because, as I've said before, he's the sole reason I ever got into Metal. It was a kind of euphoria for me to finally see him live. The man, the legend himself. Just being in the presence of someone who had a part in creating Metal was amazing enough. And the fact that I knew almost his entire set by heart (Lyrics and shit.) made it THAT much better. I don't know why people say he can't sing anymore, he was pretty spot on. And no, he doesn't move around all that much, but for his age, he's energetic as all hell. He seemed pretty happy to be up on that stage too. I hope he doesn't stop anytime soon. Finally hearing Bark At The Moon live, the song that got me into Metal, it was just too amazing for words. I don't think I've ever gone that batshit insane EVER, for ANY other band. Not even Behemoth. On a side note, I'm SOOOO happy he replaced Zakk with Gus G. Dude is a fucking BEAST. His Guitar solo was incredible. His Drummer's amazing too. But yea, I could go on and on and give a play by play for each song, but I'll cut it short and say, I'll NEVER forget the performance Ozzy gave tonight. It blew my fucking mind and then some, arguably the best show I've ever seen, perfect way to end my first Ozzfest, eh? 11/10
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    "So I got there as Kataklysm was playing, but by time I got through security and shit, they were done playing, so I missed them. :/"

    I don't think you missed much, meh at best at my show.

    "After they played, Saviours was up, whom I really didn't give a fuck about"


    "Zakk's Guitar solo had to be THEE most boring Guitar solo I've ever heard."

    "Halford: Kinda boring solo"

    Now this is unexpected. I thought you'd dig his much heavier solo stuff. That was a great live show.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • AdamAdam Posts: 11,533 balls deep
    Fuck you ozzfest why couldnt you not be on a tuesday.
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    i have ozzfest next tuesday
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited August 2010
    After that, I went to the Monster tent to get another Monster, and I saw Brian there... <_> Lolz.
    It was humorous seeing you notice me, whisper something to your girlfriend, and her suddenly giving me an awful look. By the way, I like your red trip shorts. Nice to see Hot Topic still panders to those of clown size.

    Anywho, I'll be brief.

    Kataklysm - Performed well, I didn't know the songs they played and tbh they seemed good but pretty generic.

    Goatwhore - Very good, if I'm not mistaken they had some problems with the guitar for a song so they just played without it.

    Saviours - Played good, singer was a riot. How he can get that drunk and still play well (most of the time) I'll never know. Had a great time laughing at his "RAAAH AN UUH ROAD AHH RAN UGH" banter between songs.

    Skeletonwitch - Sounded perfect, thoroughly enjoyed their set.

    Kingdom Of Sorrow - Sounded great, even without Kirk. You could tell Jamey was struggling handling both vocal duties, though. Still, a great show and I'd rather see KOS without Kirk than Hatebreed.

    Drowning Pool - Didn't give a shit because I am no longer in fifth grade. Went to meet up with a very drunk Adam and friends.

    BLS - Didn't care about them either, but as previously advertised, I saw them from the Monster line. I thought they sucked and it was a shame we couldn't escape his "soloing" on the lawn for the main stage.

    Nonpoint - Sorry PraiseTheU, I thought they sucked. I blame it on the fact they, along with Drowning Pool, don't fit this lineup at all. Also, I guess I'm gay now because me (along with 95 percent of the audience) didn't jump when they told us to. Oh well, at least my freshly gay self could listen to Nonpoint!

    Devildriver - I enjoyed that they were quiet. It was nice to not hear Dez's "A RUN DUN DUN DUN DA EEEEYAH" vocals. The shitty sound at Tinley does wonders!

    Halford - Sounded great, it was awesome to see and hear him. Unfortunately, the audience was fucking dead. Oh well. I thought most of his set was great, the Fight cover being the highlight, but I unfortunately did not enjoy the very long slow song. I'm not familiar with most of his solo material, I don't know the name. Still a great performance.

    My friend and I then met up with his uncle and got their pit wristbands and headed down for Motley Crue.

    Motley Crue - Their set was fun. I'm not a big fan of theirs but I knew majority of their set. Vince sounded better than expected, and Mick was.....a statue. The only thing I did not like about this set was there was these three gay dudes that were weirding me out. Now, I am not a homophobe in any way shape or form, but it made me a little uncomfortable to see them with the front of their shirts behind their neck dancing as in rubbing up against each other as they were most likely on some sort of drug. It's like, I'm sorry, but that is the last thing I want to see when I am stuck in a giant crowd of people. (And yes, that is a double standard because I had no problem with the hot chicks ;D) So yeah...sorry.

    Ozzy - Was a lot of fun. Miles better than Ozzfest 2007. Hilarious opening video. No Killer Of Giants but what the fuck ever. Shot In The Dark was absolutely awesome, one of my favorite concert moments thus far. I tried to avoid the foam hose (hur hur dur dur innuendo) but at the end of the show I got blasted in the face (hur dur dur another innuendo this guy heh) But it was great. They once again brought out the little Asian kid and it was great. Fairies Wear Boots was awesome.

    So yeah, I'd say yesterday was worth 29 bucks.
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    After that, I went to the Monster tent to get another Monster, and I saw Brian there... <_> Lolz.
    It was humorous seeing you notice me, whisper something to your girlfriend, and her suddenly giving me an awful look. By the way, I like your red trip shorts.
    Erik's girlfriend. ?/10. Be honest, no shame for saying she's hot.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • rammstein516rammstein516 Posts: 3,720 juggalo
    After that, I went to the Monster tent to get another Monster, and I saw Brian there... <_> Lolz.
    It was humorous seeing you notice me, whisper something to your girlfriend, and her suddenly giving me an awful look. By the way, I like your red trip shorts. Nice to see Hot Topic still panders to those of clown size.
    This had me rolling.
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited August 2010
    After that, I went to the Monster tent to get another Monster, and I saw Brian there... <_> Lolz.
    It was humorous seeing you notice me, whisper something to your girlfriend, and her suddenly giving me an awful look. By the way, I like your red trip shorts.
    Erik's girlfriend. ?/10. Be honest, no shame for saying she's hot.
    I thought she looked gross to be quite honest.


  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    After that, I went to the Monster tent to get another Monster, and I saw Brian there... <_> Lolz.
    It was humorous seeing you notice me, whisper something to your girlfriend, and her suddenly giving me an awful look. By the way, I like your red trip shorts. Nice to see Hot Topic still panders to those of clown size.
    This had me rolling.

    Killer stuff man. Keep 'em coming.
  • MikeMike Posts: 7,820 admin
    Was this just an Erik stalking party?

    Large Smiles
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  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Was this just an Erik stalking party?

    Large Smiles
    Unfortunately the real life clone of Erik who looks completely different and doesn't listen to metal couldn't make it.
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    Mick kinda...needs to be a statue lol. If it's painful to move, I wouldn't want to either.
    image Photobucket
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    True. It was just weird to see him with almost no facial expression and not seeing his eyes the entire time...drugs are bad mmmkay
  • rammstein516rammstein516 Posts: 3,720 juggalo
    After that, I went to the Monster tent to get another Monster, and I saw Brian there... <_> Lolz.
    It was humorous seeing you notice me, whisper something to your girlfriend, and her suddenly giving me an awful look. By the way, I like your red trip shorts. Nice to see Hot Topic still panders to those of clown size.
    This had me rolling.

    Killer stuff man. Keep 'em coming.
    Wait, what?
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    He has a type of arthritis in his spine and pelvis...I don't think drugs did that.

    But I see your point, what was even funnier is how many chicks would flash tits just for him.
    image Photobucket
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    True. It was just weird to see him with almost no facial expression and not seeing his eyes the entire time...drugs are bad mmmkay

    He's been sober for years. He has a degenerative bone disease. Takes meds for pain.
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    He has a type of arthritis in his spine and pelvis...I don't think drugs did that.

    But I see your point, what was even funnier is how many chicks would flash tits just for him.
    I didn't know that (as I said I'm not a huge Crue fan)

    And yeah, it's hilarious tbh. One of the funniest things of the night was this chick got on her boyfriend's shoulders and flashed Ozzy and he got this mindfucked look on his face. It was priceless hahaha
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    After that, I went to the Monster tent to get another Monster, and I saw Brian there... <_> Lolz.
    It was humorous seeing you notice me, whisper something to your girlfriend, and her suddenly giving me an awful look. By the way, I like your red trip shorts. Nice to see Hot Topic still panders to those of clown size.
    This had me rolling.

    Killer stuff man. Keep 'em coming.
    Wait, what?

    Laughing at Brian's zinger for Erik. Sorry for any confusion.
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