That and it's pretty much the same set list they had back in January.
Except I've Been Sober was on it....which is why I say it's lamez. <_>
um its really doesn't matter what they play
They're not THAT good....
every song they play...along with the crowd type they have....leads to bruthalz pits....everytime i have seen them they are 9.5 out of 10....and thats a lot...only bands i would give a 10 are LOG NIN and TOOL
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
edited August 2010
I drove 9 hours. People often confuse California as a single entity, but it's not even close to that. People also sometimes make it seem like it is one huge sprawling metropolis, where bunnies frolic, fourteen year old boys lose their virginity to the hot chick next door, and it is constantly 80 degrees, which everyone knows is the perfect temperature. But once you pass San Jose the place turns into Kansas really fucking fast. Seriously. It's so infuriating I'm just going to jump to Saturday, the day I went to my first Ozzfest.
I've always been fascinated with the concept of a music festival. At one time I believed it to be a great idea to get a whole bunch of musical talent together to share the love of music. While it's still a great idea, I think it brings together some of the worst people on the planet. Throughout the day, I was told "YOU'RE IN THE FUCKING WAY MAN" and "Sorry I just spilled my beer on you bro, here's a cigarette." I had 11 hours to live in a hell of rednecks, hippies, drunk people, and for good measure the 10 or 20 people like me, who just wanted to have a good time. It's a good thing that all the bands I wanted to see helped me succeed. Entering the venue at around 12:15, I entered the festival village looking like a young'n in a candy store. I walked around a bit, trying to find the second stage. Upon further reflection, I realize I must have looked like John McCain at a town hall meeting. I would walk one way, find a dead end, then try another way. At one point though, I heard the beautiful sound of Skeletonwitch, drawing me towards it like a Siren. That was an Odyssey reference, for those of you who have not passed 8th grade.
I got to the second stage right as Skeletonwitch began Upon Wings of Black. This was my third or fourth time seeing Skeletonwich, so I wasn't eager to jump into the pit like so many of the bros at Ozzfest were. I sat back a little bit, and watched them perform their set. The crowd just ate them up, and they totally deserved every ounce of their appreciation. It's really good to see some blackened thrash get some recognition in this nu-thrash trend, because I truly believe Skeletonwitch to be one of the few new thrash bands (for another, click here) that are worth a damn. Boy was I hungry, so I grabbed a terribly overpriced personal pizza from one of the stands and chowed during the changeover before Kataklysm. In case you don't know, Kataklysm wrote some excellent and fresh death metal in the mid Ninties, yet tragically wrote some terrible albums since. Their terrible album side totally came out in their Ozzfest performance. I couldn't help but cringe at the clearly formulaic riffing, as well as the most basic chugs I have ever heard, during their set. They performed perhaps their only good song in their recent albums, Shadows and Dust, fairly well, which was enough to salvage what could have been a disaster of a set. After Kataklysm, Sharon got on stage and introduced the next band, California Wildebeest as such. "These guys are a friend of the family, and although they may not be the heaviest thing, they still rock." Aw shit...
Surprisingly, they were great. I have no clue what they performed, how old they are, or what, but I though they were pretty damn good. However, crowd was not happy with the palette cleanser, but kept their cool. Next was Goatwhore, who like Skeletonwitch, I have seen several times. However in anticipation of Exodus and Saviours, I decided to get up front. I succeeded, but damn the crowd went nuts for these Satanic Southerners. Oh yeah, you love alliteration don't you? Anyway, they played their cuts from Carving Out the Eyes of God, and a few others as well. A great set. So here's where San Francisco took over the stage. Saviours released an album a few years ago that I was quite fond of, but was never really too happy with, called Accelerated LIving. I loved their first album though, so I was really excited to see them live. They were good. I don't really know how to go into more depth, because that's all I can say. There was nothing that stood out about them. Sure, they had a slightly funny dude at the mic, but that's it. I was expecting more, but I wasn't totally saddened. Exodus were announced to be playing after I'd bought my tickets, so it was icing on the cake to hear they'd be playing as well. This was the third time I've seen them this year (suck it, Jay) and this likely was the second best time. The crowd acted like they were the bee's knees. Most intense drunk guy yelling and bro mosh bro stuff that I've seen all year. Seriously though, in a live setting these guys can do no wrong. I'm happy that none of you guys get to see them at Ozzfest, because you probably like Kingdom of Sorrow more, and therefore do not deserve them at your show.
I wandered during Drowning Pool, because I was bored, and frankly didn't even know they were playing. I checked some merch, walked around, checked some other merch, talked to a few people, talked to Lee Altus for a bit, then went back to see a bit of Black Label Society. I must have yawned at least 40 times during their set. I could not find one interesting thing about them, so I just sorta chilled for a while. Right before they started Stillborn, the only song I really knew by them, I started walking to see if I could catch Goatwhore signing. I did, said hey, they said hey, that was pretty much it. The last hour that I just described was by far the most boring part of the day. I briefly considered leaving, but then remembered I was seeing Halford and Ozzy soon. DevilDriver. Seen them. Saw them from the lawn, same live show as always. Dez always makes me furious when I see him, because he seems like such a kind guy, but looks like an asshole. Either way, no care for DevilDriver from this guy.
I ran to the bathroom to try and get back in time for Halford, and although I got there a little late, it was better than nothing. That guy is really a lot of fun live. The crowd was lame, because there were no breakdowns, so I was pretty easily movin up front there. I wasn't too familiar with his material, but it was a little heavier than Priest and I really liked it. Also, it totally helps that his speaking voice is exactly what I want my GPS to sound like when it gives me directions. I feel like I should say more, but I think his set is best summed up as "a lot of fun." Now, Motley Crue. I've heavily flip flopped on what I was going to do during their set. I dunno, this could be a lot of fun. Sure, their music is terrible and I couldn't stand to listen to it for more than five minutes, what is the best way to listen to it for an hour? Well, I planned on sticking in the pit and just watching, but I couldn't take it. I did another booth run during their set, because I just was being barraged with music that everyone insists is brilliant but I think is just detestable. I went to the lawn, I got a water, I talked to a chick who coincidentally didn't like them either, and then once I realized that Dr. Feelgood had to be their closer, I dropped down to the pit to catch Ozzy.
Now, I know there are a lot of mixed feelings on Ozzy here, and quite a few people on the forum don't like him as well. I think the guy is practically a skeleton when I watch him do interviews, and I can't help but want to take that guy behind the barn and put him out of his misery. But damn can he perform live. He was a little rigid in his motions, but he sounded great. Only one Scream song, and one that wasn't terrible. But dude, Killer of Giants was a song I never thought I'd hear live, and I was really surprised with it being in the set. I also am sort of in the camp believing that I won't ever hear Sabbath songs live again, so hearing Iron Man, Paranoid and Fairies were really fulfilling to hear in a live setting. Sure, they aren't deep cuts, but I will take whatever I can get. I'll be honest though, after seeing Into the Void on a few of his setlists earlier in the year, I got my hopes up. Alas, they did not play what possibly is my favorite Sabbath song, but I was happy anyway. He brought out that Japanese kid who plays Crazy Train really well during the encore, which was the aforementioned song. Say what you will about the guy, but he is an excellent performer, and as a fan who went into his set thinking it would be a trainwreck, it really was a lot of fun.
If you are on the fence about spending any money on this one, grab a cheap ass lawn ticket. You get the same experience as those who pay a lot on the sidestage, and there's not too much more to see from the pit than what you could on the lawn. Maybe the sound isn't as great, but it'll be worth it. Santana, I expect to see your review in under two weeks.
Skeletonwitch: 8.5/10 Kataklysm: 6/10 California Wildebeest: 7/10 Goatwhöre: 8/10 Saviours: 7/10 Exodus: 9/10 Black Label Society: 5.5/10 Halford: 8.5/10 Motley Crue: I refuse to rate these guys, because I cannot do it. If you like their music, they'll be a 9+, but I couldn't stand them. Ozzy Osbourne: 9/10
I think you broke the damn internet with that review.
The show sounded like a lot of fun. I was one of the biggest Ozzfest haters this year, but after reading the setlists and reviews I cant help but be a little sad my summer didnt include ths.
every song they play...along with the crowd type they have....leads to bruthalz pits....everytime i have seen them they are 9.5 out of 10....and thats a lot...only bands i would give a 10 are LOG NIN and TOOL
harhar hahaha...
fuck rush rich whitey
Ruh roh raggy
I've always been fascinated with the concept of a music festival. At one time I believed it to be a great idea to get a whole bunch of musical talent together to share the love of music. While it's still a great idea, I think it brings together some of the worst people on the planet. Throughout the day, I was told "YOU'RE IN THE FUCKING WAY MAN" and "Sorry I just spilled my beer on you bro, here's a cigarette." I had 11 hours to live in a hell of rednecks, hippies, drunk people, and for good measure the 10 or 20 people like me, who just wanted to have a good time. It's a good thing that all the bands I wanted to see helped me succeed. Entering the venue at around 12:15, I entered the festival village looking like a young'n in a candy store. I walked around a bit, trying to find the second stage. Upon further reflection, I realize I must have looked like John McCain at a town hall meeting. I would walk one way, find a dead end, then try another way. At one point though, I heard the beautiful sound of Skeletonwitch, drawing me towards it like a Siren. That was an Odyssey reference, for those of you who have not passed 8th grade.
I got to the second stage right as Skeletonwitch began Upon Wings of Black. This was my third or fourth time seeing Skeletonwich, so I wasn't eager to jump into the pit like so many of the bros at Ozzfest were. I sat back a little bit, and watched them perform their set. The crowd just ate them up, and they totally deserved every ounce of their appreciation. It's really good to see some blackened thrash get some recognition in this nu-thrash trend, because I truly believe Skeletonwitch to be one of the few new thrash bands (for another, click here) that are worth a damn. Boy was I hungry, so I grabbed a terribly overpriced personal pizza from one of the stands and chowed during the changeover before Kataklysm. In case you don't know, Kataklysm wrote some excellent and fresh death metal in the mid Ninties, yet tragically wrote some terrible albums since. Their terrible album side totally came out in their Ozzfest performance. I couldn't help but cringe at the clearly formulaic riffing, as well as the most basic chugs I have ever heard, during their set. They performed perhaps their only good song in their recent albums, Shadows and Dust, fairly well, which was enough to salvage what could have been a disaster of a set. After Kataklysm, Sharon got on stage and introduced the next band, California Wildebeest as such. "These guys are a friend of the family, and although they may not be the heaviest thing, they still rock." Aw shit...
Surprisingly, they were great. I have no clue what they performed, how old they are, or what, but I though they were pretty damn good. However, crowd was not happy with the palette cleanser, but kept their cool. Next was Goatwhore, who like Skeletonwitch, I have seen several times. However in anticipation of Exodus and Saviours, I decided to get up front. I succeeded, but damn the crowd went nuts for these Satanic Southerners. Oh yeah, you love alliteration don't you? Anyway, they played their cuts from Carving Out the Eyes of God, and a few others as well. A great set. So here's where San Francisco took over the stage. Saviours released an album a few years ago that I was quite fond of, but was never really too happy with, called Accelerated LIving. I loved their first album though, so I was really excited to see them live. They were good. I don't really know how to go into more depth, because that's all I can say. There was nothing that stood out about them. Sure, they had a slightly funny dude at the mic, but that's it. I was expecting more, but I wasn't totally saddened. Exodus were announced to be playing after I'd bought my tickets, so it was icing on the cake to hear they'd be playing as well. This was the third time I've seen them this year (suck it, Jay) and this likely was the second best time. The crowd acted like they were the bee's knees. Most intense drunk guy yelling and bro mosh bro stuff that I've seen all year. Seriously though, in a live setting these guys can do no wrong. I'm happy that none of you guys get to see them at Ozzfest, because you probably like Kingdom of Sorrow more, and therefore do not deserve them at your show.
I wandered during Drowning Pool, because I was bored, and frankly didn't even know they were playing. I checked some merch, walked around, checked some other merch, talked to a few people, talked to Lee Altus for a bit, then went back to see a bit of Black Label Society. I must have yawned at least 40 times during their set. I could not find one interesting thing about them, so I just sorta chilled for a while. Right before they started Stillborn, the only song I really knew by them, I started walking to see if I could catch Goatwhore signing. I did, said hey, they said hey, that was pretty much it. The last hour that I just described was by far the most boring part of the day. I briefly considered leaving, but then remembered I was seeing Halford and Ozzy soon. DevilDriver. Seen them. Saw them from the lawn, same live show as always. Dez always makes me furious when I see him, because he seems like such a kind guy, but looks like an asshole. Either way, no care for DevilDriver from this guy.
I ran to the bathroom to try and get back in time for Halford, and although I got there a little late, it was better than nothing. That guy is really a lot of fun live. The crowd was lame, because there were no breakdowns, so I was pretty easily movin up front there. I wasn't too familiar with his material, but it was a little heavier than Priest and I really liked it. Also, it totally helps that his speaking voice is exactly what I want my GPS to sound like when it gives me directions. I feel like I should say more, but I think his set is best summed up as "a lot of fun." Now, Motley Crue. I've heavily flip flopped on what I was going to do during their set. I dunno, this could be a lot of fun. Sure, their music is terrible and I couldn't stand to listen to it for more than five minutes, what is the best way to listen to it for an hour? Well, I planned on sticking in the pit and just watching, but I couldn't take it. I did another booth run during their set, because I just was being barraged with music that everyone insists is brilliant but I think is just detestable. I went to the lawn, I got a water, I talked to a chick who coincidentally didn't like them either, and then once I realized that Dr. Feelgood had to be their closer, I dropped down to the pit to catch Ozzy.
Now, I know there are a lot of mixed feelings on Ozzy here, and quite a few people on the forum don't like him as well. I think the guy is practically a skeleton when I watch him do interviews, and I can't help but want to take that guy behind the barn and put him out of his misery. But damn can he perform live. He was a little rigid in his motions, but he sounded great. Only one Scream song, and one that wasn't terrible. But dude, Killer of Giants was a song I never thought I'd hear live, and I was really surprised with it being in the set. I also am sort of in the camp believing that I won't ever hear Sabbath songs live again, so hearing Iron Man, Paranoid and Fairies were really fulfilling to hear in a live setting. Sure, they aren't deep cuts, but I will take whatever I can get. I'll be honest though, after seeing Into the Void on a few of his setlists earlier in the year, I got my hopes up. Alas, they did not play what possibly is my favorite Sabbath song, but I was happy anyway. He brought out that Japanese kid who plays Crazy Train really well during the encore, which was the aforementioned song. Say what you will about the guy, but he is an excellent performer, and as a fan who went into his set thinking it would be a trainwreck, it really was a lot of fun.
If you are on the fence about spending any money on this one, grab a cheap ass lawn ticket. You get the same experience as those who pay a lot on the sidestage, and there's not too much more to see from the pit than what you could on the lawn. Maybe the sound isn't as great, but it'll be worth it. Santana, I expect to see your review in under two weeks.
Skeletonwitch: 8.5/10
Kataklysm: 6/10
California Wildebeest: 7/10
Goatwhöre: 8/10
Saviours: 7/10
Exodus: 9/10
Black Label Society: 5.5/10
Halford: 8.5/10
Motley Crue: I refuse to rate these guys, because I cannot do it. If you like their music, they'll be a 9+, but I couldn't stand them.
Ozzy Osbourne: 9/10
The show sounded like a lot of fun. I was one of the biggest Ozzfest haters this year, but after reading the setlists and reviews I cant help but be a little sad my summer didnt include ths.